Les estratègies de divulgació com a eines discursives per transmetre el coneixement jurídic als fòrums en línia

AutorOlga Boginskaya
Olga Boginskaya*
Modern information technologies allow us to disseminate specialized knowledge through ask-an-expert forums that
serve as a resource for transforming specialized concepts for a lay audience. This paper aims to add to the study of
discourse production and is intended as a contribution to legal communication from a popularization-centered perspective. It
considers the popularization of legal knowledge to a lay audience as a process of discursive accommodation to the reader’s
knowledge base and of alignment of the cognitive levels of participants in asymmetrical interactions intermediated by
 
discursive strategies that allow experts, including forum lawyers, to represent complex and abstract specialized content in an
various popularization strategies function to align the cognitive levels of participants and eliminate knowledge asymmetries.
Two types of strategy (popularization by formulation and reformulation and popularization by illustration) are analyzed and
most common explanatory strategy. Metaphors employed to popularize legal knowledge by relating specialized and everyday
domains of experience are the least common explanatory tools used by forum lawyers. These explanatory strategies can be
combined to jointly contribute to the purpose of accommodating legal information to the knowledge base of lay forum users.
This study is a vector for investigating the problems of asymmetrical interactions in institutional settings. The methodology
or aspects of asymmetrical exchanges can be expanded and become an avenue for further research.
Keywords: popularization discourse; explanatory strategy; discursive accommodation; laypeople; knowledge
asymmetry; online discourse.
Les tecnologies de la informació modernes permeten difondre coneixements especialitzats en fòrums en què es pot
preguntar a persones expertes, un recurs útil per fer arribar conceptes especialitzats a audiències no especialitzades.
Aquest article es proposa ampliar l’estudi de la producció del discurs i contribuir a la comunicació jurídica des
d’una perspectiva centrada en la divulgació. S’hi analitza la divulgació dels coneixements jurídics a una audiència
no especialitzada com un procés d’adaptació del discurs a la base cognitiva del lector i com un procés d’equiparació
dels nivells cognitius de participants en interaccions asimètriques per mitjà d’estratègies explicatives. Amb l’anàlisi de
d’estratègies discursives que permeten als experts –incloent-hi els juristes que participen en els fòrums– representar
continguts especialitzats, complexos i abstractes d’una manera intel·ligible per evitar problemes comunicatius i per
      
equiparar els nivells cognitius dels participants i eliminar-ne les asimetries cognitives. S’hi analitzen i avaluen dos
de divulgació per reformulació, que representa un 42% de totes les estratègies observades al corpus, és l’estratègia
         
difondre el coneixement jurídic, tot relacionant dominis d’experiència especialitzats i quotidians. Aquestes estratègies
explicatives es poden combinar per contribuir conjuntament a l’objectiu d’adaptar la informació jurídica a la
base cognitiva dels usuaris no especialistes del fòrum. Aquest estudi és un vector per investigar els problemes de
les interaccions asimètriques en contextos institucionals. La metodologia o els aspectes relacionats amb intercanvis
asimètrics es poden ampliar, i poden obrir una via per a recerques futures.
Paraules clau: discurs de divulgació; estratègia explicativa; adaptació discursiva; públic no especialitzat; asimetria
cognitiva; discurs en línia.
Olga Boginskaya, professor of English Language at Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Russia. olgaa_boginskaya@mail.ru
Recommended citation: Boginskaya, Olga.Popularization strategies as discursive tools to mediate legal knowledge in
online forums. Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law, 76
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Popularization strategies as discursive tools to mediate legal knowledge in online forums
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  
specialized information to the knowledge base of a lay audience
Olga Boginskaya
Popularization strategies as discursive tools to mediate legal knowledge in online forums
Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law, núm. 76, 2021 171
1 Introduction
This article analyzes popularization strategies within the discourse found in law forum posting. Assuming
this article presents linguistic research on expert knowledge popularization.
Knowledge asymmetry (the knowledge difference that exists between experts and a lay audience) has been
ranging from business communication to media, education, law, and medicine. Legal discourse, like any
affected their lives only for a limited period of time, thus entering and exiting the realm of the legal community
interactions forces lawyers to use popularization strategies in order to accommodate legal information to the
knowledge base of laypeople. Knowledge asymmetry is considered to be a hindrance to the optimal transfer
of legal knowledge, including in online law forums, since the use of unfamiliar technical terms impedes
the comprehensibility of what is said. Even if the meaning is known to the lay person, understanding an
utterance containing technical concepts will require a greater effort. Therefore, knowledge asymmetry should
be considered from the speaker-addressee perspective, taking into account the special knowledge transfer.
The issue of expert-lay exchanges is investigated by a number of researchers, who deal with discursive
structures, lexical and syntactic features, strategies used to make specialized content intelligible to a lay
 
surrounding the popularization of legal knowledge. Traditionally, research on texts communicating legal
 
 however, has been written about
online expert-lay interactions that occur in the process of giving legal advice to lay forum users. In the last
decade, it has become commonplace for laypeople to look for information about legal issues online to get an
idea of the steps they should take in a given law-related situation. The process of information seeking that
forces lay citizens to pose questions in law forums entails them establishing a direct relationship with legal
professionals. Making legal information available to a lay audience through law forums plays a crucial role
in making citizens aware of their legal rights and the possible consequences of their legal actions. The online
posts offer a rich overview of the communicative problems occurring in this discursive scenario and of the
strategies legal professionals resort to in order to resolve them.
The present study has adopted a cognitive discursive approach in an attempt to describe the popularization
process in online law forums, which combine the characteristics of both written and oral types of discourse.
The article aims to classify the popularization strategies employed to align the cognitive levels of participants
for the study of discourse production. Knowledge asymmetry in law forums has the potential to generate
frequent in online interactions where knowledge asymmetry is evident.
    
within which participants must act.
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Popularization strategies as discursive tools to mediate legal knowledge in online forums
Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law, núm. 76, 2021 172
2 Current study
The current study is based on the assumption that explanatory strategies align the cognitive levels of
participants in online encounters, improve the comprehensibility of legal texts, including those found in legal
forums, accommodate legal information to the knowledge base of laypeople, and prevent communicative
problems from emerging.
The study intends to answer the following questions:
The cognitive discursive approach adopted in the article is based on the analysis of discursive tools employed
to eliminate knowledge asymmetries and accommodate specialized discourse to the reader’s cognitive base.
Popularization involves both discursive and cognitive dimensions, and is a linear process of knowledge
asymmetry between experts and lay readers. If popularization has traditionally been seen as an intralinguistic
alignment of the cognitive levels of participants in asymmetrical online interactions, bringing its cognitive
discursive strategies employed by forum experts in the popularization of legal knowledge. Although it is
self-evident that discursive choices are determined by the cognitive level of the target audience, few authors
have attempted to specify what those choices are in online popularization discourse.
the popularization strategies will be shown and the corpus, including the corpus selection criteria, will
conclusions will be drawn and avenues for further research will be outlined.
2.1 Corpus design
Since the replies collected were used as a data repository, the approach employed in the present research to
answer the research questions is corpus based. The data was drawn from the law forum on the expertlaw.com
website, which exists as a source of free, publicly available information.
to get free answers from legal professionals in their areas to basic legal questions on a variety of legal issues.
Since law forums are a common tool for acquiring legal information, they perform a popularizing function.
The expertlaw.com forum includes lawyers; employment, insurance, tax and real estate professionals; law
rights violations, business law and intellectual property, insurance law, criminal charges, etc.
To compile the corpus for this study, the lawyers’ replies were selected based on the following criteria:
denominations, examples, and metaphors.
Olga Boginskaya
Popularization strategies as discursive tools to mediate legal knowledge in online forums
Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law, núm. 76, 2021 173
synchronically comparable texts.
The texts that met these criteria were shortlisted and selected to build the corpus. The main focus was on the
popularization strategies and their frequency. The corpus built provides authentic examples to explore how
explanatory strategies may be used to popularize legal knowledge in law online forums. The corpus comprises
law, business and corporate law, criminal law, labor law, family law, and property law. This compilation can
contextual information, which makes them useful for a context-based analysis.
2.2 Research methodology
This corpus-based study aims to classify and describe the popularization strategies lawyers employ to
accommodate legal knowledge to the cognitive level of a lay audience. To comply with this aim, the study
employed both quantitative and qualitative analyses. In order to go beyond a mere list of explanatory strategies
variables and where you need to explore the issue. It does not use statistical data due to concerns over
the quality of data. In the present study, qualitative research is used to analyze and describe the types of
explanatory strategies.
 
analysis tool – QDA Miner – was used. It can quickly extract and analyze information from large amounts
linguistic markers used in denominations. This analysis was aimed at checking the hypothesis on semantic
variations in the discourse used by forum lawyers. The average frequency of occurrence of the verbs used in
and denomination markers and the frequency of their occurrences were summarized in a table format. The
frequency of occurrences of expressions signaling the explanatory strategies as well as reformulation and
summarized in a table format. The analysis of popularization discourse in law forums was undertaken by
popularization in online law forums and identify the most commonly used explanatory strategies.
3 Theoretical background
3.1 Macrolinguistic analysis: popularization as dissemination, distortion, transformation,
The theoretical framework for the analysis conducted on the macrolinguistic level is based on studies of
knowledge popularization and popularization discourse that treat popularization as a process involving
 
by other researchers.
The concept of popularization is often associated with the dissemination
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knowledge communication from a constructivist perspective, emphasizing its creative function, while also
focusing on its interactive aspect.
 
distorted, which might be due to the distance, in terms of forms, between the specialized knowledge and its
 and distortion
essentially an act of persuasion.”
to its functional pragmatic deregulation and destabilizing the functional space.
distortion and inaccurate
One more study on the phenomenon of popularization that does not assume it to be a process of distortion
a lay audience is different since specialized knowledge has to be explained to a lay audience, so the linguistic
form to a lay audience, knowledge is assumed to remain unchanged throughout the discursive transformation
of popularization, which has been interpreted as vulgarization, debasement, translation, transposition, or
reformulation, should be rethought to include the process of recontextualization. The author holds that it is
important to be aware of the different dimensions of this process and changes in the cognitive and situational
of various types of communicative events or genres that involve the transformation of specialized knowledge
into ‘everyday’ or ‘lay’ knowledge, as well as a recontextualization 
transformation into everyday knowledge combines precise knowledge with approximate knowledge.
 to
according to which recontextualization refers to various ways of appropriating, using, and reusing talk
or text drawn from one context to make formulations available in another. The researcher assumes that
recontextualization presupposes putting something in a different context and creating a new context for it.
The central role of recontextualization in the process of popularizing specialized knowledge is also highlighted
the social interaction that created them. The researcher argues that recontextualization is reproduction rather
the intended audience, thus giving it new meaning.
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Popularization strategies as discursive tools to mediate legal knowledge in online forums
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 and making specialized information
 
of intra-lingual translation, the purpose of which is to make a given text simpler in terms of its content and/
terms are associated with particular legal concepts and any attempt to replace them will result in a distortion
redrafting that
does not alter the disciplinary content – object of the transaction – as much as its language, which needs
to be remodeled to suit a new target audience. In the process, information is transferred linguistically in a
way similar to periphrasis or to intralingual translation. 
of knowledge implies important changes in the cognitive dimension, deriving from the interaction between
emphasis], intended as the creation of a new type of discourse, where specialized language is exploited
differently according to a new set of participants, setting, objectives, and rules, thus producing new culturally
and historically located meanings.”
In this article, which has adopted the cognitive discursive approach, the expert knowledge popularization is
considered to be a process of discursive accommodation of specialized content to the knowledge base of a
lay audience, thus implying the alignment of the cognitive levels of participants through a set of explanatory
lay audience by evaluating their knowledge base and explaining specialized terms with the aim of eliminating
the asymmetries in knowledge. Experts and non-experts can be very distant in terms of the amount of shared
knowledge or epistemic cultures and practices, but this knowledge asymmetry is a constitutive factor in
of the process of popularizing specialized knowledge. The next sub-section will deal with studies conducted
on the discursive strategies employed to align the cognitive levels of participants in asymmetrical exchanges.
3.2 Microlinguistic analysis: popularization strategies as discursive tools intended to accommodate
specialized information to the knowledge base of a lay audience
On the microlinguistic level, the theoretical framework of the research is based on major studies conducted on
that can make legal texts comprehensible to a lay audience: common words instead of legalistic ones; simple
and short sentences, and proper organization of paragraphs. The results demonstrated that laypeople (jurors)
ones were more comprehensible to laypeople. In the study of a corpus of texts about the sequencing of the
Olga Boginskaya
Popularization strategies as discursive tools to mediate legal knowledge in online forums
Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law, núm. 76, 2021 176
journalists for the management of knowledge. Besides the metaphors conceptualizing abstract categories, and
journalists that precedes the writing of science popularization texts targeted at the lay reader and assessed
two types of recurrent formulation procedures deployed by experts: illustration and reformulation. Turnbull
intra-lingual translation in pages devised for the mediation of copyright-related legislation on the gov.uk
 
expertise translates into intelligible knowledge, suitable to the background and experiential knowledge of
 
discursive strategies employed to popularize expert knowledge and align the cognitive levels of participants
in asymmetrical online interactions.
discourses, I suggest that these two types of strategy fully cover the explanation process in law forums. All
of these structures have referred to instances of accommodation applied to the conceptual level of discourse,
through illustration differs from popularization through formulation/reformulation since it is of a conceptual
objects or terms. It can be seen as a paraphrasing strategy, in which specialized information is replaced by
other information that refers to the legal content.
this strategy is often integrated into a sentence dealing with something else, often resorting to expressions
such as called, known as, meaning…, etc. or also so called, , in other words
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Popularization strategies as discursive tools to mediate legal knowledge in online forums
Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law, núm. 76, 2021 177
All constructions aimed at introducing new objects or events, as in the following example, can be referred
to as denominations:
sounds like it could be an unlawful
This example contains a denomination introduced by the linguistic marker sounds like, which acts as a
an expert’s credibility.
 
limited use of specialized vocabulary.
entails an explanation of legal terms through various categories: composition, quantity, size, localization, time,
is ...”means …”includes”indicates”is
term is followed by its periphrasis.
This strategy is often preceded by requests to explain the meaning of a specialized concept (What’s that mean?
and signaled by reformulation markers (
that is, in other words).
reformulation includes all the possible forms of expansion or
rarely results in a statement which has an exact equivalent meaning. Rephrasing invariably alters the pragmatic
and rhetorical connotations of the original by moving the reader towards the writer’s preferred interpretation.”
This observation indicates a pragmatic rather than logical equivalence of reformulations.
Reformulations can be introduced a) by means of appositions, preceding or following the term they clarify; b) in
parentheses, dashes, quotes, and c) by means of linguistic markers such as that is, i.e., in other words
or paraphrase.”
 
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Popularization strategies as discursive tools to mediate legal knowledge in online forums
Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law, núm. 76, 2021 178
includes resources used by experts to explain specialized terms through objects of everyday experience.
These mental models are easier to remember than general knowledge and are useful as an explanatory tool
for eliminating confrontations between different epistemic cultures and creating coherent, user-friendly texts.
Examples used by experts can refer to one word or even large discourse units (case studies) and be signaled
by punctuation marks (e.g., parentheses) or linking adverbials (for example, for instance, such as, like).
The legal setting might not seem to be an appropriate area for metaphors, as legal discourse is allegedly precise
 
employed to communicate legal knowledge may allow them to conceptualize abstract legal phenomena and
concepts by associating them with familiar objects and notions.
In the present study based on the cognitive approach, metaphor is considered as a cognitive mechanism
rather than a linguistic trope. It determines how thought is structured by relating specialized and everyday
one aspect of a concept a metaphorical concept can keep us from focusing on other aspects of the concept that
are terminological transparency and conciseness. The use of metaphors in popularizing specialized knowledge
3.2.3 Popularization strategies combined
Some popularization strategies can be combined in order to accommodate the expert knowledge to the
lay audience’s knowledge base. Among these combinations are 
+ exemplification; denomination and definition; denomination + metaphorization; reformulation +
metaphorization. Metaphors and examples are often used as supporting rather than main strategies of
4 Findings
that takes into account both linguistic expressions and knowledge accommodation strategies. In this part of the
as types of popularization by (re)formulation and examples and metaphors as types of popularization by
illustration used to discursively represent legal concepts to a lay forum audience.
4.1. Denomination
discrimination under the law.
The explanation including causes of discrimination mentioned in the law is followed by the denomination.
evidenceevidence. You should not think
both sides can agree that certain facts are true.
The legal term is used after the explanation, which is followed by concrete examples of evidence. This is a
combination of two popularization strategies:.
One more interesting example found in the corpus is a negative denomination:
not a Lawsuit.
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Popularization strategies as discursive tools to mediate legal knowledge in online forums
Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law, núm. 76, 2021 179
I found seven occurrences of this type of denomination in the corpus.
reformulation means.
is called 
is known as 
meaning 
so called 
 
  
might not constitute a 
asymmetry between the lawyer and lay forum users. The text responds to the need to accommodate legal
information to the knowledge base of a lay audience. The verb to mean is used to link the term to its
 Discrimination simply means using some criteria or basis for choosing one over another.
The verb mean and the adverb 
be, mean,
To be 
To mean 
To indicate 
To include 
 
to beto mean
implying that legal professionals rarely resort to semantic variations but rather tend to limit a set of linguistic
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Popularization strategies as discursive tools to mediate legal knowledge in online forums
Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law, núm. 76, 2021 180
4.3 Reformulation
Reformulation occurs when a lawyer reformulates an utterance by expressing abstract legal concepts in a
every element, that is, every part
essential ingredients, or important parts, of the proof.
As the examples above illustrate, the function of reformulations is to restate an idea in different words to
make it comprehensible to a lay audience.
Equivalence between the original statement and the reformulation is signaled by reformulation markers, and
the most common of these are that is
most frequent reformulation markers as a percentage of all such markers in the corpus. The preponderance of
two markers over the others implies that forum lawyers use a limited set of reformulation means.
that is 
in particular / particularly 
in other words 
or 
put another way
 includes the resources used by legal professionals to explain complex legal concepts in terms
for example 
such as 
e.g. 
for instance
for examplesuch as
The synonymous expression for instance is rarely used in the corpus, which suggests the unwillingness of
legal professionals to use semantic variants.
tip credit is when 
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Popularization strategies as discursive tools to mediate legal knowledge in online forums
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discrimination is explained by means
for example:
 So, for example, choosing an applicant with a college degree over someone without a college degree is
gets hired based on certain criteria.
The lawyer explains the meaning of the legal concept by providing an example from everyday experience.
facilitating understanding.
The forum lawyer explains the meaning of the term  through the example of one of the
ways of being 
In the sentence below, the lawyer makes an attempt to improve clarity by continuing the explanation of the term
 UnavailableAvailable
decisions. Example
As can be seen from the reply, the legal professional succeeds in offering a highly comprehensible explanation.
The terms are epitomized in an everyday situation, and the phrasing also helps to make the term easily
 Blackmail is threat to do harm or reveal harmful or embarrassing information if the person being
threatened does not do or refrain from doing something. A common example of blackmail would be if John and
example of blackmail.
The legal term blackmail
the lay forum user to focus on a more familiar concept that is closer to the non-expert public and facilitates
understanding. Thus, examples refer to the act of presenting knowledge in a simpler mode by referring to
indirect evidence is sometimes referred to as  In
circumstantial evidence
 
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Popularization strategies as discursive tools to mediate legal knowledge in online forums
Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law, núm. 76, 2021 182
4.5 Metaphorization
As the result of a convention, metaphors relate legal and everyday domains of experience and reframe legal
terms through familiar concepts. The following example illustrates the case:
 
party animal
the things listed there the discrimination is legal.
The lawyer explains the meaning of the term legal discrimination through the metaphor . The
contributes to the effectiveness of the popularization of the legal issue.
A quantitative evaluation of the occurrences of explanatory strategies employed by legal professionals in
 TOTALS
 
 
most common strategy employed by legal professionals to communicate legal knowledge to lay forum users.
The article aimed to add to the study of discourse production and was intended as a contribution to legal
communication from a popularization-centered perspective, considering the transfer of legal knowledge to a
lay audience as an indirect process intermediated by popularization strategies. In this article, popularization
was studied from a cognitive discursive perspective as the process of discursive accommodation to the
knowledge base of a lay audience with the aim of aligning the cognitive levels of participants in asymmetrical
online interactions. Thus, the main contribution of the present article was to improve current understandings
The main purpose of this research was to show that law forums contribute to the dissemination of legal
knowledge asymmetries). Online law forums were analyzed as a legal knowledge popularization tool.
Online legal-lay discourse was analyzed as it serves as ground for legal knowledge popularization. Legal-
lay communication involves various communicative situations, including law forums. The transfer from
legal to legal-lay language, which aims to reduce the cognitive gap between communicants and improve the
on lawyers’ ability to explain complex legal concepts in a comprehensible way. The epistemic asymmetry
that characterizes legal-lay interactions in online forums forces lawyers to resort to explanatory strategies in
Olga Boginskaya
Popularization strategies as discursive tools to mediate legal knowledge in online forums
Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law, núm. 76, 2021 183
In this article, I have described the process of legal knowledge popularization through the use of explanatory
strategies aimed at accommodating legal information to the knowledge base of lay forum users. Each of these
strategies were revealed in the corpus:
- popularization by (re)formulation:
- popularization by illustration:
Each of these strategies is aimed at solving the dominant popularization task – accommodation to the
knowledge base of lay readers or an alignment of the cognitive levels of participants in the asymmetrical
interaction. These strategies can thus serve a popularization function and are used in the negotiation of
meaning of specialized terms to facilitate the lay audience’s understanding. The corpus-based analysis revealed
that these explanatory strategies can be combined, as they both contribute to the purpose of facilitating the
communication of legal knowledge to lay forum users.
tool employed by forum lawyers to communicate legal knowledge to a lay audience. Metaphors and combined
Drawing on previous research, I have tried to contribute to the study of popularization discourse in general,
and explanatory strategies in the discourse of legal forum posting in particular. Avenues for further studies
may be research into the explanatory strategies employed by legal professionals in other legal cultures and
using material in other languages, then comparing the results with those obtained in the present study. More
multidisciplinary research is required to understand how explanatory strategies are involved in the acquisition
of specialized knowledge. In addition, it could be interesting to propose a further distinction within the two
types of popularization and identify additional subtypes of these strategies.
This research has been critically evaluated by the Research and Ethics Board at the Institute of Linguistic
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Popularization strategies as discursive tools to mediate legal knowledge in online forums
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Popularization strategies as discursive tools to mediate legal knowledge in online forums
Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law, núm. 76, 2021 185
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