Gran Bretaña Bibliografía (2006-2007)

AutorAlexandra Braun
CargoJunior research Fellow in Law, St. John's College, oxford

Page 1340

1. Derecho comunitario y derecho privado europeo

Antokolskaia, M. v.: Harmonisation ofFamily Law in Europe - A Historical Perspective, hart publishing, oxford, 2006.

Armour, John y McCahery, Joseph A. (eds.): After Enron. Improving Corporate Law and Modernising Securities Regulation in Europe and the US, hart publishing, oxford, 2006.

Barendrecht, Maurits; Jansen, Chris; Loos, Marco; Pinna, Andrea; Cascao, rui, y Van Gulijk, Stephanie (eds.): Principles ofEuropean Law, vol 2: Service Contracts, oxford university press, 2007.

Barnard, Catherine (es.): The Fundamentals ofEU Law Revisited. Assessing the Impact ofthe Constitutional Debate, oxford university press, oxford, 2007.

Bell, John, y Kilpatrick, Claire (eds.), Cambridge Yearbook ofEuropean Legal Studies, vol 8, 2005-2006, hart publishing, oxford, 2006.

Blockmans, Steven, y Lazowski, Adam (eds.): The European Union and its Neighbours. A Legal Appraisal ofthe EU's Policies of Stabilisation, Partnership and Integration, Cambridge university press, Cambridge, 2006.


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