Adiós a Humboldt: Un cambio en la visión de la comunidad académica sobre la autonomía universitaria checoslovaca durante el período de entreguerras

AutorLukás Fasora/Anna Pesinková
CIAN-Revista de Historia de las Universidades, 24/2 (2021), 5-36 - DOI:
ISSN: 1988-8503 -
   -
Resumen: Este texto examina el pro-
blema del estatus profesional de los profeso-
res universitarios checoslovacos durante el
período de entreguerras desde la perspecti-
va de un cambio de un sistema universitario
liberal a uno posliberal. Los autores abordan
el tema utilizando una metodología históri-
co-jurídica y centran su atención fundamen-
talmente en las discusiones en torno al inten-
to de cambiar las normas legales relativas a
la autonomía. El estudio analiza las diferen-
cias en la interpretación de la autonomía uni-
Abstract: This text examines the is-
sue of the professional status of Czechoslo-
  
period from the perspective of a shift from a
liberal to a post-liberal university arrange-
ment. The authors approach the theme using
legal-historical methodology and attention is
largely focused on the discussions surroun-
ding the attempt to change the legal regula-
    
 -
tation of university autonomy within the aca-
Lukáš Fasora*
Masaryk University
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6405-8266
Anna Pečinková
Masaryk University
Adieu Humboldt: A change in the academic
community’s view of Czechoslovak university
autonomy during the interwar period
Adiós a Humboldt: Un cambio en la visión de la
comunidad académica sobre la autonomía universitaria
checoslovaca durante el período de entreguerras
CIAN, 24/2 (2021), 5-36. DOI:
versitaria dentro de la comunidad académica
y sigue los cambios de actitud hacia este im-
portante tema a la luz de la crisis y la ruptura
del régimen checoslovaco de entreguerras
Palabras clave: autonomía universita-
ria; período de entreguerras; Checoslovaquia;
política de personal; concepto democrático
demic community and follows the changes in
attitude towards this important liberal the-
      
Keywords: university autonomy; in-
licy; post-liberal democratic concept.
The act (The Employment of
     1.
This law established appointment procedures, guaranteed freedom of tea-
     
   
the academic community with an amendment to this act which aimed to
strengthen the state’s control over universities, principally over disciplinary
      -
mic autonomy from the state, while the government’s amendment proposal
was viewed by a large part of the academic community as the fundamental
rejection of this principle. The amendment was not adopted by parliament
    
 
     
     
or German concept of a university, we mean a school system that develops
  
consider the autonomy of the university within the state administration and
the consistency of teaching and research to be its main pillars.
Main thesis
The objective is to examine how the academic community viewed university
1 (Reg-
    
CIAN, 24/2 (2021), 5-36. DOI:
tude towards universities (and their autonomy) during the interwar period.
 
and duties of university teachers, and the discussions surrounding them
within the academic community. This is based on the established thesis that
the change in the state’s attitude towards universities was the result of the
    -
mosphere of a large section of society’s mistrust of liberal principles during
the interwar era. Therefore, the contrast between these two legislative texts
represents a movement away from the liberal to a post-liberal order2.
Our main thesis is the assumption that the shortcomings of the liberal
mic community, and that some academics attempted to help the state’s politi-
cal leadership establish a basis for their programme. The widely understood
     
same time the central ideas of this concept were to provide the basis for the
new governance of universities in a post-liberal though still democratic state.
As centres of information and innovation, universities were an obvious
part of the debate on the future of liberal governance and the opportunities to
develop the expert management of society3. Experts connected with univer-
sities traditionally expected special treatment, even when universities and
other higher education institutes were de jure a solid and undisputed part of
the state administration4-
ved legal-historical reasons, i.e. a reference to the fact that the modern state
merely declared the existence of the (Prague) university as a legal subject of
a corporate character with a medieval tradition, but it was not the founder
of the university. This argument traditionally had many supporters from the
      -
    
2 (The Global and Our Economic Cri-
 On Our Way 
        
 
1848–1989 (Milestones in modern Czech history. A crisis of consensus and legitimacy from
 (The transfer of innovation. Patents, licences and tariff concessions in interwar Czechoslo-

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