The effects of lumbar spinal manipulation on athletes' symmetry: a prospective randomized study

AutorBruno Alveranga - Jerusa Lara - Filipa Joao - Antonio Veloso
CargoDepartment of Sports and Health, Faculty of Human Kinetics, FMH, University of Lisbon (Portugal) - Department of Health and Physical Education, Federal University of Parana, Curitiba (Brazil) - Department of Sports and Health, Faculty of Human Kinetics,FMH, University of Lisbon (Portugal) - Department of Sports and Health, Faculty of Human ...
Anuario Jurídico y Económico Escurialense, LII (2019) 373-394 / ISSN: 1133-3677
The effects of lumbar spinal manipulation
on athletes’ symmetry: a prospective
randomized study*
Department of Sports and Health,
Faculty of Human Kinetics,
FMH, University of Lisbon (Portugal);
Jerusa LARA
Department of Health and Physical Education,
Federal University of Parana, Curitiba (Brazil);
Filipa JOÃO
Department of Sports and Health,
Faculty of Human Kinetics,FMH,
University of Lisbon (Portugal).
António VELOSO
Department of Sports and Health,
Faculty of Human Kinetics,
FMH, University of Lisbon (Portugal).
Abstract: Objectives: the purpose of this prospective study among healthy
athletes was to verify the possible effects of lumbar manipulation on symmetry,
analysing the measured outcomes from physical tests. Methods: Young athletes
of both genders were selected according to the eligibility criteria, randomly
allocated into experimental and control groups. Data were collected with two
* Este artículo obtuvo, el pasado año académico 2016-2017, el Premio María Cristina, en
su quinta edición, en la modalidad de Quiropráctica, patrocinado por el Banco Santander. El
jurado calificador estuvo conformado por: Dª. Ana Paula Albuquerque Facchinato Campos
(Presidenta), Coordinadora de la Formación Clínica. Facultad de Quiropráctica de Los
Ángeles. Southern California University of Health Sciences; D. Danilo Messa da Silva, Decano de
Quiropráctica, Universidad Feevale, Novo Hamburgo, Brasil; D. Fernando Redondo Moreira
Azevedo, Decano de Quiropráctica de la Universidade Anhembi-Morumbi, Sao Paulo, Brasil,
y D. Ricardo Fujikawa (Secretario), Director de Estudios de Quiropráctica en el RCU Escorial
María Cristina.
AJEE, LII (2019) 373-394/ISSN 1133-3677
force platforms integrated with motion capture system, to retrieve the bilateral
ground reaction forces, to apply the symmetry index. All participants performed
three commonly used physical performance tests, including static posture, squat,
and vertical jump, before and after the lumbar manipulation and control
intervention. Results: In the group 1 pre- to post-lumbar manipulation, statistically
significant differences were found in bilateral symmetry. The improvement
of symmetry was found in static post-lumbar spinal manipulation. In the group 2
pre- to post-control intervention, no statistically significant differences were
found. Conclusions: The athletes from group 1, benefited regarding to the static
symmetry after lumbar intervention. These findings suggest that one single
lumbar spinal manipulation, actually took place, producing effects on symmetry.
Keywords: Biomechanics phenomena, spinal manipulation, lumbar, ground
reaction forces, symmetry index.
I. Introduction.
II. Materials and methods.
III. Data collection procedures.
IV. Lumbar spinal manipulation intervention.
V. References.

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