Siglas y acrónimos

AutorAntonio Cardesa Salzmann

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ADI Anuario de Derecho Internacional

AFDI Annuaire Français de Droit International

AJIL American Journal of International Law

AJICL African Journal of International and Comparative Law

AUJILP American University Journal of International Law and Policy

AVR Archiv des Völkerrechts

AYbIL Australian Yearbook of International Law

BCICLR Boston College International and Comparative Law Review

BOE Boletín Oficial del Estado

BYbIL British Yearbook of International Law

CdD Les Cahiers de Droit

CDIRI Cursos de Derecho Internacional y de Relaciones Internacionales de Vitoria-Gasteiz

CEBDI Cursos Euromediterráneos Bancaja de Derecho Internacional

CeS Comunicazioni e Studi

CILJ Cornell International Law Journal

CILJSA The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa

CJEL Columbia Journal of Environmental Law

CJIELP Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy

CJTL Columbia Journal of Transnational Law

CMLRev Common Market Law Review

CYbIL Canadian Yearbook of International Law

ECIJ Estatuto de la Corte Internacional de Justicia

ED Estado e Direito. Revista semestral luso-espanhola de Direito Publico

EJIL European Journal of International Law

EL Environmental Law

ELQ Ecology Law Quarterly

ENB Earth Negotiation Bulletin

EPL Environmental Policy and Law

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EPLJ Environmental and Planning Law Journal

FA Foreign Affairs

FELR Fordham Environmental Law Review

FJIL Florida Journal of International Law

FYbIL Finnish Yearbook of International Law

GIELRev Georgetown International Environmental Law Review

GLJ Georgetown Law Journal

GWLR George Washington Law Review

GWILR George Washington International Law Review

GYbIL German Yearbook of International Law

HELR Harvard Environmental Law Review

HILJ Harvard International Law Journal

HYbIL The Hague Yearbook of International Law

ICLQ International and Comparative Law Quarterly

IEA International Environmental Agreements

IJGLS Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies

IL International Lawyer

IO International Organization

IOLR International Organizations Law Review

ITLJ International Trade Law Journal

IYbIL Italian Yearbook of International Law

JCMS Journal of Common Market Studies

JEL Journal of Environmental Law

JELP Journal of Environmental Law and Practice

JIEL Journal of International Economic Law

JMWP New York University School of Law Jean Monnet Working Papers

JWT Journal of World Trade

LNOJ League of Nations Official Journal

LNTS League of Nations Treaty Series


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