Recommendation N°9 Convention for the land-based marine pollution


Page 65

The third global meeting of lawyers and associations for environmental law

Considering that the land- based marine pollution represents 80% of the pollutions of the seas, Considering the great number of causes of this pollution, all of them land-based,

Considering the deficiency of juridical international and regional conventions on this question, Think it necessary to propose a global convention to fight this pollution and recommend the adoption of a convention to take account of the following:

  1. to take account of all the causes of this pollution, including sedimentary deposits, the dumping of solid waste and the atmospheric fallout of volatile pollutants;

  2. to take into account the three origins of the pollutants : sea shores, rivers, and atmospheric fallout;

  3. the creation of a framework convention including minimum provisions and additional protocols taking into account the requirements of oceanic ecosystems and of the economic development of coastal states;

  4. the convention to be based on three pillars : the putting in place of programs of action for 5 or 6 years setting out priorities, the obligation on member States parties to adopt the legislative measures needed for the effective enforcement of the programs, the adoption of the polluter-pays principle while also providing for financial penalties to incite economic actors to adopt equipment to diminish or suppress polluting discharges;

  5. the introduction of a system of lists of products which are prohibited from dumping and of products provisionally authorized under State responsibility;

  6. the convention to provide for the establishment of permanent bodies to include a Secretariat ensuring continuity and links between parties, an administrative Commission with decision making powers and to make recommendations on the enforcement of the convention, helping to co-ordinate actions and receiving the annual reports of the...

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