Multi-level Climate Governance: Polycentricity and Local Innovation

AutorErnani Contipelli
- Monogràfic -
Multi-level Climate Governance:
Polycentricity and Local Innovation
Professor of Globalization and Environmental Law
Regional Community University of Chapecó (UNOCHAPECO, Brazil)
Reception date: 3rd May 2018 / Accepted: 6th November 2018
ABSTRACT: The polycentric approach constructed according to Elinor
Ostrom’s theory is an alternative and pluralistic mode of governance with the
objective of reclaiming the former degree of faith of the citizens and
communities that had been shaken by the failed climate change initiatives
implemented on a global scale. Centering its attention on the lower levels of
governance, the polycentric approach offers wide scope for improving the
innovative steps that can positively affect the entire global climate system
through acquisition of knowledge and learning, especially in the instances of
energy transition like the German Energiewende (Renewable Energy
Revolution) and the Barcelona Local Energy Agency that are devised for
implementation through the active involvement of the local communities. The
current study discusses the application of the polycentric approach to multi-level
climate governance, particularly highlighting the importance of local innovation
as the means to control the global climate crisis, harnessing the collective effort
to secure substantial levels of reliability and cooperation between the
stakeholders and institutions.
RESUM: L’enfocament policèntric construït d’acord amb la teoria de l’Elinor
Ostrom és un mode de governança alternatiu i pluralista, l’objectiu del qual és
recuperar el grau de confiança dels ciutadans i les comunitats que s’ha vist
sacsejat per les iniciatives fracassades sobre el canvi climàtic posades en
pràctica a escala mundial. Alhora que focalitza l’atenció en els nivells inferiors
de la governança, l’enfocament policèntric ofereix un punt de vista de gran
E. Contipelli RCDA Vol. IX Núm. 2 (2018): 1 - 35
abast per millorar els processos d’innovació que poden afectar en positiu tot el
sistema climàtic mundial, mitjançant l’adquisició de coneixement i
l’aprenentatge, sobretot en els casos de transició energètica (com
l’Energiewende alemanya i l’Agència Local d’Energia de Barcelona) concebuts
per implementar-se mitjançant la implicació activa de les comunitats locals.
Aquest estudi analitza l’aplicació de l’enfocament policèntric en una governança
climàtica a molts nivells i que subratlli la importància de la innovació local com a
mitjà per controlar la crisi climàtica mundial, aprofitant l’esforç col·lectiu per tal
de garantir una bona fiabilitat i cooperació entre les parts interessades i les
RESUMEN: El enfoque policéntrico construido de acuerdo con la teoría de
Elinor Ostrom es un modo de gobernanza alternativo y pluralista, cuyo objetivo
es recuperar el grado de confianza de los ciudadanos y las comunidades que
se ha visto sacudido por las fracasadas iniciativas sobre el cambio climático
puestas en práctica a escala mundial. Mientras focaliza la atención en los
niveles inferiores de la gobernanza, el enfoque policéntrico ofrece un punto de
vista de gran alcance para mejorar los procesos de innovación que pueden
afectar en positivo a todo el sistema climático mundial, mediante la adquisición
de conocimiento y el aprendizaje, sobre todo en los casos de transición
energética (como la Energiewende alemana y la Agencia Local de Energía de
Barcelona) concebidos para implementarse mediante la implicación activa de
las comunidades locales. Este estudio analiza la aplicación del enfoque
policéntrico en una gobernanza climática a muchos niveles y que remarque la
importancia de la innovación local como medio para controlar la crisis climática
mundial, aprovechando el esfuerzo colectivo para garantizar una buena
fiabilidad y cooperación entre las partes interesadas y las instituciones.
KEYWORDS: Climate Governance Polycentricity Local Innovation Energy
PARAULES CLAU: governança climática policentricitat innovació local –
transició energética
PALABRAS CLAVE: gobernanza climática – policentricidad – innovación local
–transición energética
RCDA Vol. IX Núm. 2 (2018): 1 – 35 Multi-level Climate Governance
List of Contents: Introduction. 1. Governance and Common Pool Resources. 2. Polycentricity
and Climate Change. 3. Multi-level Climate Governance: from the Paris Agreement to Local
Innovation. 4. Local Initiatives on Climate Governance and Energy Transition. Conclusion.
As a majority of human-environment interactions happens at several
levels, political approaches which consider this natural dimension of the reality
and offer an efficient and sustainable use of the common pool resources are the
dire need of the hour. From the empirical facts, Elinor Ostrom's concept of
polycentricity is designed based on just such human-environment interactions.
The theory includes a multi-scale governance system that involves collective
management utilizing the innovative actions present at the local and community
To cope with the prevailing global challenges like climate change, this
polycentric program and its pluralistic frameworks are a good method of
effecting an alternative pattern of governance which encourages
experimentation, choice and learning across the several social frameworks that
offer greater scope for coping competently with climate change. The objective of
this article is to discuss the ways that the polycentric approach can be applied
to multi-level governance of climate, focusing on the importance of local
innovation as a means of controlling the climate crisis globally, via collective
activities to ensure and maintain the degrees of trustworthiness and
cooperation between the stakeholders and institutions.
Part one of this article explores the common pool resources and its
management, focusing on the differences between the principles of Hardin’s
Tragedy of the Commons and Ostrom’s Governing the Commons as a starting
point, for a clearer understanding of the polycentricity approach.
Part two scrutinizes the polycentric approach and its elements,
delineating the necessity for alternative forms of governance that can make
productive space available at the lower levels for innovation and
experimentation and thus effectively handle climate change. It emphasizes the
relevance of the collective actions which can increase the degree of trust and

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