La historia de los estudiantes austriacos entre el estatus académico y la actividad sociopolítica 1848-1938

AutorGernot Stimmer
CargoDepartment of Political Science, University of Vienna, Austria
CIAN-Revista de Historia de las Universidades, 25/1 (2022), 85-121. DOI:
ISSN: 1988-8503 -
Resumen: El desarrollo de una historio-
graía académica y objetiva de los estudiantes
de la monarquía de los Habsburgo y la Primera
República de Austria solo comenzó a ines del
siglo XX Varios factores explican por qué fue
solo después de ganar cierta distancia tempo-
ral y emocional que los historiadores pudie-
ron escribir una historia cientíicamente más
objetiva de las universidades y los estudian-
tes No fue hasta mediados del siglo XIX que
los estudiantes, que estuvieron estrictamente
controlados por el Estado y la Iglesia Católica
hasta  pudieron emerger como un grupo
independiente de actores. La multitud de aso-
ciaciones fundadas según el modelo ideal de
las fraternidades alemanas estuvo sujeta a un
Abstract: The development of a scho-
larly and objective historiography of students
in the Habsburg monarchy and the First Aus-
trian Republic only began at the end of the
twentieth century. Several factors explain
why it was only after gaining a certain tem-
poral and emotional distance that historians
were able to write a more scientiically ob-
jective history of universities and students. It
was not until the middle of the th century
that students, who were strictly controlled by
the state and the Catholic Church until 
were able to emerge as an independent group
of actors. The multitude of associations foun-
ded according to the ideal model of the Ger-
man fraternities were subject to a highly ideo-
Gernot Stimmer *
Department of Political Science, University of Vienna, Austria.
The History of Austrian Students Between
Academic Status and Socio-Political Activity
La historia de los estudiantes austriacos entre
el estatus académico y la actividad sociopolítica
CIAN, 25/1 (2022), 85-121. DOI:
proceso de polarización ideológica muy fuer-
te. Esto también se extiende al profesorado de
la universidad, que se estableció tardíamente
como una institución autónoma. Por lo tanto,
los departamentos de historia y humanidades
en particular se convirtieron en los precurso-
res de una ideología nacionalista antisemita
en lugar de instancias críticas racionalmente
cientíicas La política de exclusión continuó
ininterrumpidamente en la Primera República
y en última instancia condujo a la pérdida de
la autonomía universitaria y el derecho de li-
bre asociación de los estudiantes después de
que Austria se convirtiera en parte del Reich
Nacionalsocialista Alemán en 
Palabras clave: cuerpo estudiantil, mo-
narquía Habsburgo Primera República Aus-
triaca Austria   universidad
logical polarisation process. This also extends
to the professoriate of the university, which
was belatedly established as an autonomous
institution. Therefore, the history and huma-
nities departments in particular became the
forerunners of a nationalist antisemitic ideo-
logy rather than rationally scientiic critical
instances. The politics of exclusion continued
uninterruptedly into the First Republic and
ultimately led to the loss of university auto-
nomy and the students’ right of free associa-
tion after Austria became part of the National
Socialist German Reich in 
Keywords student body Habsburg
monarchy, First Austrian Republic, Austria,
  university
Two mutually inluencing aspects need to be considered in order to under-
stand whether and since when students have emerged as a socially active
collective in Austria between the revolution of  and its annexation by
National Socialist Germany in  their status as members of the univer-
sity and the development of socially and politically active associations. It is
based on these assumptions that the historiographical representation of the
student body in the second half of the th and irst half of the th century,
between neoabsolutism and constitutional monarchy  and Re-
public  has to be examined
After a brief introduction on the emergence of the special type of
the Austrian university, the article begins with the struggle of the student
body for freedom of association within the framework of the liberal state
university during the revolution of  The second part presents the pe-
riod between  and  during which the legalisation of the student
fraternities took place allowing the emergence of the type of the colour
bearing” student adopted from Germany. For a very long time, the period
between  and  was only covered by subjective publications on
the revolution of  and on various student fraternities The third part
examines the period of the First Republic from  to  in which the
colour-bearing student fraternities became the general model of student
associations with their own representative body in the university. This pha-
se was also mainly presented through primary sources from the student
CIAN, 25/1 (2022), 85-121. DOI:
fraternities and partially through a strongly ideologized academic contem-
porary history Both parts on the periods from  to  and from 
to  concentrate mainly on the research led during this century After
a brief segment on the social, linguistic and religious composition of the
student body, the last section is dedicated to the objective student history
research that only began after  This new historiography is based on
the one hand on publications by private student history institutes and as-
sociations, and on the other hand on academic historical research that was
irst only carried out in the course of the great jubilee celebrations of the
various Austrian universities.
 The development of the European and Austrian universities
The emergence and further development of the European university was
determined from the beginning by two powers: the Catholic Church, which
claimed spiritual control over the papal foundation, and the secular rule,
which ensured the economic existence of the newly founded institution.
The Austrian Korporationsuniversität (corporation university) was develo-
ped partly from the Parisian model, a university of graduates (doctors and
professors), and partly from the Bologna model (the student university),
that considered the students as a co-determining group within the institu-
tion as a whole. The latter form was decisive for the foundation of universi-
ties in the Habsburg Empire of the late Middle Ages and early modern times
especially in Prague  and Vienna  but also in Krakow 
Olmütz  Graz  Salzburg  Lemberg 
Innsbruck  and Budapest  The universities of Bologna
 and Padua  were also Habsburgian from  until respecti-
vely  and 
In almost all European states, the Catholic corporation model was
radically eliminated in the course of the formation of the nation-state or
of the German territorial states and replaced by exclusively state-regulated
educational institutions based on the model of the Napoleonic and Prussian
reforms This transformation took place in the Austrian Empire only after
the  revolution Only Vienna Prague Graz and Innsbruck possessed
all structural characteristics of the Catholic corporation university The irst
two retained their corporation structure in part until  The universities
in Graz Innsbruck and Olmütz were abolished in the course of the period
and downgraded to a less prestigious form of higher learning institution

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