¿Es el marco legal de derechos humanos de la UE capaz de hacer frente a la IA discriminatoria?

AutorPablo Martínez Ramil
CargoDepartamento de Derecho Internacional y Europeo. Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Palacký Olomouc
IDP No. 34 (December, 2021) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2021, Pablo Martínez-Ramil
of this edition: 2021, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Dossier “Europe facing the digital challenge: obstacles and solutions”
Is the EU human rights legal
framework able to cope
with discriminatory AI?
Pablo Martínez-Ramil
Palacký University Olomouc
Date of submission: May 2021
Accepted in: September 2021
Published in: December 2021
The challenges introduced by AI for the EU anti-discrimination legal framework have been a widely dis-
cussed topic among the doctrine. In the light of the 20th anniversary of the EU Charter of Fundamental
Rights, the Commission released a regulatory proposal to tackle AI. This paper seeks to determine
whether the proposal successfully addresses the existent pitfalls of the EU framework. First, this paper
explores the functioning of AI systems that employ machine learning techniques and determines how
discrimination takes place. Second, the article examines intellectual property rights as one of the main
barriers for accountability and redressal of violations committed by an AI system. Third, the state
of the discussion concerning the pitfalls of the existent EU approach towards non-discrimination is
addressed. The available academic literature suggests that discriminatory outputs produced by an AI
will amount to indirect discrimination in most scenarios. In this sense, cases of indirect proxy discrim-
ination will likely pass the proportionality test, therefore justifying the discriminatory output. The last
section of this article studies the Commission’s regulatory proposal. Although the document seems to
effectively tackle discrimination caused by biased training data sets, this paper concludes that intellec-
tual property rights and proxy discrimination still constitute signif‌icant barriers for the enforcement
of anti-discrimination law.
human rights; Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union; artif‌icial antelligence; AI; algo-
rithms; trade secrecy law; non-discrimination
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Is the EU human rights legal framework able to cope with discriminatory AI?
IDP No. 34 (December, 2021) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2021, Pablo Martínez-Ramil
of this edition: 2021, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
¿Es el marco legal de derechos humanos de la UE
capaz de hacer frente a la IA discriminatoria?
Los desafíos introducidos por IA para el marco legal de la UE contra la discriminación han sido un tema
ampliamente discutido entre la doctrina. A la luz del vigésimo aniversario de la Carta de los Derechos
Fundamentales de la UE, la Comisión publicó una propuesta reglamentaria para abordar la IA. Este
documento busca determinar si la propuesta aborda con éxito los escollos existentes del marco de la
UE. En primer lugar, este documento explora el funcionamiento de los sistemas de inteligencia artif‌icial
que emplean técnicas de aprendizaje automático y determina cómo se produce la discriminación. En
segundo lugar, el artículo examina los derechos de propiedad intelectual como una de las principales
barreras para la rendición de cuentas y la reparación de las violaciones cometidas por un sistema de
inteligencia artif‌icial. En tercer lugar, se aborda el estado del debate sobre los escollos del actual enfo-
que de la UE hacia la no discriminación. La literatura académica disponible sugiere que los resultados
discriminatorios producidos por una IA equivaldrán a discriminación indirecta en la mayoría de los
escenarios. En este sentido, los casos de discriminación indirecta por proxy probablemente pasarán la
prueba de proporcionalidad, lo que justif‌icará el resultado discriminatorio. La última sección de este ar-
tículo estudia la propuesta reguladora de la Comisión. Aunque el documento parece abordar de manera
efectiva la discriminación causada por conjuntos de datos de capacitación sesgados, este documento
concluye que los derechos de propiedad intelectual y la discriminación por poder aún constituyen ba-
rreras signif‌icativas para la aplicación de la ley contra la discriminación.
Palabras clave
derechos humanos; Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea; Inteligencia Artif‌icial;
IA; algoritmos; ley de secreto comercial; no discriminación
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Is the EU human rights legal framework able to cope with discriminatory AI?
IDP No. 34 (December, 2021) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2021, Pablo Martínez-Ramil
of this edition: 2021, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Modern societies are far away from being perfect, dealing
for years with problems such as discrimination based on
gender or race. Due to the fact that Artif‌icial Intelligence
(hereinafter AI) technologies “learn” how to act from the
available (and biased) data, more than often these tech-
nologies reproduce in their results the existing problems
in our societies (Andersen, 2018, p. 12). This raised the
alarms in the legal realm, where many voices warned
about the AI capacity to impact negatively in a variety of
human rights (Aizenberg & Van den Hoven, 2020, pp. 1-2).
Several cases made it to the headlines over the last few
years. In the US justice system, an AI technology named
COMPAS was employed to determine the convicts’ risk of
reoffending when deciding penalties. The AI classif‌ied 45%
of those African-American convicts who ultimately did
not reoffend as “high risk,” as compared to just 23% for
Caucasians in a similar situation (Raso & others, 2018, p.
23). Likewise, the automatized Amazon’s recruiting system
proved to show clear discriminatory results against women.
Because the AI was “fed” with the recruitment data from
the previous 10 years and since the majority of the hired
workers in that period were men (a ref‌lection of male dom-
inance in the tech industry), the AI acted in consonance
(Dastin, 2018). Some emerging issues have already been
contested in the judicial sphere. Last year, the District Court
of The Hague ruled that the right to privacy prevailed over
the legality of the System Risk Indication (SYRI), a system
that allowed the government to process large amounts of
data collected by public authorities to identify those most
likely to commit benef‌its fraud (Henley & Booth, 2020).
It is imperative to note at an early stage that the origins
and development of International Human Rights Law
(hereinafter IHRL) took place in entirely analogic times.
Therefore, it has often struggled with technological dis-
ruptions. As a technology, AI constitutes a great one. It
can be incorporated in almost any kind of human activity,
meaning that “the breadth of regulatory issues raised by
AI span the spectrum of human activities” (Liu & others,
2020, p. 7). That is why balancing AI with a strong legal
framework mindful of human rights will become increas-
ingly important in the near future.
The European Union (hereinafter EU) was fully aware of
that. Hence, after dealing with Brexit, the refugee crisis
and while facing issues such as the state of the rule of
law in Poland and Hungary, the time has come to address
the challenges introduced by AI. Bearing in mind the
20th anniversary of the Charter of Fundamental Rights
(hereinafter the Charter), the Commission has released a
regulatory proposal for establishing an AI legal framework
(hereinafter the AI Act). In line with the above, one of its
main objectives is to ensure that AI systems comply with
the existing law on fundamental rights and Union values.
Although it is evident that AI has become the talk of
the town for quite a while now, no consensus has been
reached yet concerning the content of its def‌inition. This
paper will refer here to the one provided by the UNESCO’
expert group, which def‌ined AI as “technological systems
which have the capacity to process information in a way
that resembles intelligent behavior, and typically includes
aspects of reasoning, learning, perception, prediction,
planning or control” (Ad Hoc Expert Group for the prepa-
ration of a draft text of a recommendation on the ethics of
artif‌icial intelligence, 2020, p. 4).
This research is motivated by the following question: “is
the established EU human rights legal framework able
to cope with the challenges for non-discrimination intro-
duced by AI?”
First, several features of AI and machine learning systems
will be addressed. Their functioning as well as some ba-
sic concepts will be examined. The analysis will continue
addressing legal issues that test the suitability of the EU
approach towards non-discrimination as the ideal frame-
work to face the upcoming AI challenges. Questions such
as those concerning trade secrecy law and its implications
for accountability and redressal will be examined. Then,
the Commission proposal will be brief‌ly discussed con-
sidering the previously studied pitfalls. An answer to the
research question will conclude this article.
1. Discriminatory AI.
What, why and how?
At f‌irst, an AI system was a software that interpreted data
using an algorithm, a mathematical formula employed
to produce the required results. Therefore, any outcome
perceived as unfair could be explained after a close ex-
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Is the EU human rights legal framework able to cope with discriminatory AI?
IDP No. 34 (December, 2021) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2021, Pablo Martínez-Ramil
of this edition: 2021, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
amination of both the data and the algorithm (Andersen,
2018, pp. 9-12).
However, this approach has become outdated. The vast
majority of contemporary AI systems do not simply con-
stitute a given set of rules that analyze data. They are
built instead upon a range of techniques that differ on
their functioning. Therefore, a detailed analysis covering
the wide (and growing) variety of approaches and AI tech-
niques would justify more than one peer-reviewed journal
submission. For this reason, the scope of this section will
cover the techniques commonly referred as machine
learning (hereinafter ML), the most widespread area of
AI being practically applied (Furtwangen University). In
particular, it will analyze how discrimination occurs within
supervised and unsupervised ML environments.
In a few words, ML works as an umbrella term that ad-
dresses those algorithmic models that allow the AI to
learn “by example” (Hacker, 2018, p. 5). Supervised and
unsupervised ML systems learn how to produce outputs
after being trained with large amounts of data. The main
difference between both is that the former uses labelled
data sets. “Labelling” in ML refers to the process of adding
informative labels to raw data.
This procedure is usually
either done by the AI developing team or by an external
contractor. Therefore, labelled data sets are usually cost-
lier and contain smaller amounts of values (Dilmegani,
In a preliminary stage, the (unlabelled/labelled) data is
divided into two sets: training data and validating data.
The former is used to teach the right outcomes to the
system (through inputs and outputs) and the later serves
as a control test (only inputs). Taking Amazon’s recruit-
ment system as an example, the training data set would
encompass both the data contained in the professional
CVs previously processed by the company (inputs) and the
f‌inal decision on whether the applicant got the job or not
(output). Once the model is exposed to this information, it
creates a formula that explains the relationship between
1. See, in this regard, AMAZON. What is data labeling for machine learning? [online]. Available at: https://aws.amazon.com/es/sagemaker/
groundtruth/what-is-data-labeling/ [Accessed: 13 August 2021].
2. See, in this regard, XORIANT (2017, September). Decision Trees for Classification: A Machine Learning Algorithm [blog]. Available at:
https://www.xoriant.com/blog/product-engineering/decision-trees-machine-learning-algorithm.html [Accessed: 13 August 2021].
3. See, in this regard, KOCHLING, A.; WEHNER, M. C. (2020). “Discriminated by an algorithm: a systemic review of discrimination and fairness
by algorithmic decision-making in the context of HR recruitment and HR development”. Business Research, vol. 13, pp. 795–848.
inputs and outputs (to rephrase it, why some applicants
were hired and some not). In supervised ML contexts, the
developers might “inf‌luence” this resultant formula by as-
signing a determined weight to certain values or variables
(for instance, using a “decision tree”).
In the highlighted
example, the developers could have established that “pre-
vious labour experience” holds more signif‌icance than
“education” when determining whether an applicant must
be hired or not.
Once the system has developed a model, it needs to be
“tested” through the validating data set. The formula,
being only exposed to the aforementioned CVs, has to
determine the right answer (to hire or not to hire). If it
provides the right outcomes, the system is tested again
using data from the real world (usually referred as test-
ing data set) (Hacker, 2018, p. 5). Only after succeeding
at the second test the system might be deployed for its
Before analysing the origins of discriminatory AI, it is
necessary to draft some notes on deep learning, a ML
sub-technique. The above-exposed ML procedures com-
prise three layers. The (i) inputs are interpreted through a
(ii) model (hidden layer) that provides an (iii) output. This
is often referred as “neural network”, a set of algorithms
interpreting the relationship between inputs and outputs.
In “traditional” supervised and unsupervised ML, the
neural network is composed of only three layers. In com-
parison, deep learning is a subf‌ield of ML where a greater
number of hidden layers exists, with every layer being a
tool to transform the input data into a slightly more ab-
stract representation of itself to infer correlations. As a
consequence, the explanatory algorithm that determines
the outputs shows a high level of complexity
(the more
layers, the more complexity) with outcomes that can be-
come untraceable to the human eye. In other words, in
deep learning environments, even the developers might
not be able to “understand” the reasoning behind a cer-
tain output.
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Is the EU human rights legal framework able to cope with discriminatory AI?
IDP No. 34 (December, 2021) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2021, Pablo Martínez-Ramil
of this edition: 2021, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Based on Hacker’s approach
this paper proposes the
following classif‌ication to determine how discriminatory
outputs are generated within this scheme:
Biased training data. If the training data is biased,
the model developed afterwards will produce biased
results. Three main subtypes were identif‌ied.
Inadequate construction of training data sets. If
a set is incomplete (missing certain values), not
representative enough (a potential group of users
is not adequately represented in the data set) or if
it contains errors (false information in the inputs or
outputs), the accuracy of the resultant algorithm
might be compromised, increasing its discrimina-
tory potential. An (in)famous illustrative incident
took place when Google’s AI mislabelled black peo-
ple as gorillas. Apparently, the AI lacked training
for identifying black peoples’ faces (Zhang, 2015).
Incorrect labelling. In supervised ML contexts,
some decisions on the AI system’ design might lead
to discriminatory outputs. For instance, a wrong
“weight” assignment to certain variables within a
decision tree or errors in the labelling procedure
will likely compromise the accuracy of the result-
ant algorithm.
Historical bias of the data. Often, data sets repro-
duce the existent biases in our societies, leading
consequently to biased outcomes. The above-men-
tioned case of Amazon’s recruitment AI exemplif‌ies
Proxy discrimination. The academia widely addressed
this type of discrimination, being the one raising
most legal questions. As it was exposed, ML systems
analyze training data sets looking for variables to
explain correlations between outputs and inputs. If a
training data set is infused with historical racial biases,
the system will use the variable “race” to explain the
correlations. However, due to the fact that ML systems
develop their own predictive models from observation,
an apparently unbiased training data set is also able
to produce discriminatory results. This greatly hinders
the detection of causes of a discriminatory algorithm
(Hacker, 2018, pp. 5-6).
For instance, an AI system that
4. For a more detailed analysis, see HACKER, P. (2018). “Teaching fairness to artificial intelligence: Existing and novel strategies against
algorithmic discrimination under EU Law”. In: Common Market Law Review, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 3-8.
measures credit worthiness is being developed. Be-
cause of historical reasons, racial minorities have been
systematically discriminated, facing, among other
problems, lower incomes and higher levels of f‌inancial
instability. In general, they would “score” lower values
in the variables of a training data set. The developers,
being aware of it, decide to remove the variable “race”
from the training data set. And yet, the outputs turned
out to be discriminatory. Why? Here, the AI might have
developed a model using the variable “postal code” to
explain the relationship between inputs and outputs.
Certain levels of segregation still exist nowadays (Lisa,
2019), what often makes racial minorities share post-
al code. Therefore, even if the model did not rely on
race as a variable to discriminate, the consequences
remained unaltered. This is the classical textbook
case of what can be def‌ined as proxy discrimination.
Proxy discrimination can occur in both supervised and
unsupervised learning environments. It is very hard
to predict and, in deep learning contexts, very hard to
As some voices have pointed out, a designing-against-dis-
crimination solution would require the developers to
have a deep comprehension of historical and social rea-
sons that explain discrimination. In addition, AI creators
should pay special attention to technical aspects of the
design (such as the representativity of the data collected,
potential discriminatory consequences derived from the
choice of variables or the def‌inition of class labels) that
might lead to the development of uncategorized types of
discrimination (Aizenberg & Van den Hoven, 2020, p. 3).
Moreover, even if an AI is carefully designed, the availa-
ble evidence establishes that strategies for reducing bias
during the development process often reduce the predic-
tive potential of the AI. At the same time, the economical
investment attached to the construction of new unbiased
databases might not be bearable for some companies
(Hacker, 2018, p. 8).
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Is the EU human rights legal framework able to cope with discriminatory AI?
IDP No. 34 (December, 2021) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2021, Pablo Martínez-Ramil
of this edition: 2021, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
2. Potential gaps of the EU Human
Rights legal framework or how
to deal with discriminatory AI
2.1. IP rights, accountability and redressal
The charter Art. 47 enshrines the right to an effective rem-
edy for those whose rights have been violated. However,
as it has been demonstrated, the technical characteristics
of ai systems involve several issues that, at least, hinder
the implementation of this provision in several ways.
To perceive and demonstrate that a violation has been
committed by an AI system, it is necessary to have (I) a
contextual knowledge of the technology and in some cas-
es (II) access to the code. The question of transparency is
rather problematic and full of cornerstones. On the one
hand, because even with access to the code there is no
guarantee that the human eye can trace the origins of a
discriminatory output (particularly in deep learning envi-
ronments). On the other hand, because the code might be
protected by intellectual property (hereinafter IP) rights.
This deserves a closer look.
A well-developed AI system constitutes a clear market
advantage for the developing company. The AI guidelines
published by the European Patent Off‌ice consider com-
putational models and algorithms to be of mathematical
nature (European Patent Off‌ice), not being therefore pa-
tentable under the applicable law.
Instead, they fall under
the protection of trade secrecy law.
The EU Trade Secrets Directive def‌ines “trade secret” as
information that (I) is secret, (II) has commercial value and
(III) whose secrecy has been object of protection.
protection might be limited for reasons of public interest
or in exercise of the right to freedom of expression.
ever, the directive does not provide any sort of guideline
to support the authorities when addressing a conf‌lict
5. Art. 52(2)(a). Convention on the Grant of European Patents of 5 October 1973.
8. Case T-201/04 of 17 September 2007. Microsoft Corp. v Commission of the European Communities, para. 690.
9. Art. 22 (1). Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation).
10. EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2000). Charter of fundamental rights of the European Union, Art. 21(1). Luxembourg: Office for Official
Publications of the European Communities.
between the public interest and the protection granted by
trade secrecy (Huseinzade, 2021).
Hence, these legal conf‌licts have been approached dif-
ferently at the national and European level. In Microsoft,
the Court recognized that IP rights are not undefeatable
or otherwise exceptions would never apply.
This was the
prevailing view in Google Shopping, where Google was
forced to disclose protected information for the Commis-
sion’ investigative duties.
Some scholars have put the focus on the General Data
Protection Regulation Art. 22. It grants the data subject a
right “not to be subject to a decision based solely on auto-
mated processing (…) which produces legal effects.”
provision was criticized given its diff‌icult enforceability. In
practical terms, the only safeguard that introduces is the
right to contest an automatized decision before a human
agent, but it does not create a “right to explanation”, un-
derstood as the right to be given an explanation for an
output produced by an AI system (Wachter & others, 2017,
pp. 79-81). Academics have concluded that, to this date,
trade secrecy law still constitutes a signif‌icant barrier
(Wachter & others, 2017, p. 89).
2.2. The pitfalls of the EU approach
towards non-discrimination
The Charter Art. 21 enshrines the prohibition of discrimi-
The Court of Justice has systematically applied
this provision in horizontal relations. Moreover, it has
interpreted it widely, covering types of discrimination that
arguably were not strictly part of the constitutional sys-
tems of the member states (see, in this regard, Mangold,
Kücükdeveci and Egenberger). Secondary law has given
expression to several dimensions of this prohibition (such
as gender, race or religion).
The Commission’s White Paper on Artif‌icial Intelligence, a
document that outlined in 2020 the AI policy options and
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Is the EU human rights legal framework able to cope with discriminatory AI?
IDP No. 34 (December, 2021) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2021, Pablo Martínez-Ramil
of this edition: 2021, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
set the path for the elaboration of the AI Act, establishes
that the EU regulative framework remains applicable “ir-
respective of the involvement of AI” (European Commis-
sion, 2020). However, the differences in the scope of the
directives generate different levels of protection. While in
employment matters the protected grounds are religion,
disability, age and sexual orientation, in goods and servic-
es only race and gender are covered by EU law. Part of the
academia (Hacker, 2018, pp. 9-10) defends that a possible
solution could come by the hand of the long-standing
Commission proposal to extend the scope of protection
(European Commission, 2008).
The directives distinguish two types of discrimination:
direct and indirect. The former would be rather rare in ML
contexts. It occurs when a person is treated less favoura-
bly than another — in a comparable situation — based on
a protected ground (such as sexual orientation, gender,
Within the AI realm, direct discrimination could
allegedly take place due to an inadequate construction of
training data sets or wrongful labelling procedures. For ex-
ample, if an AI developer had deliberately assigned lower
values to a label or variable expressing a protected ground
(such as race or gender), the conduct would amount to
direct discrimination. It should be noticed that the inten-
tionality of the agent is irrelevant, what matters is the fact
that the outcome is determined by the protected ground
(Hacker, 2018, pp. 9-10).
Conversely, indirect discrimination occurs when an ap-
parently neutral provision, criterion or practice creates a
disadvantage for persons belonging to a protected group.
Nevertheless, a legitimate aim can justify it, considering
that the means for achieving it are suitable, proportion-
ate and necessary.
This constitutes the most common
scenario when dealing with discriminatory AI. Although
the values granted to variables or labels usually obey to
neutral rules, discrimination might still take place. In addi-
tion, certain ML techniques (such as deep learning) do not
allow the developers to recognize the relevant variables
that explained a discriminatory decision.
11. Art. 2(a). Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000.
12. Arts. 2(b) & 2(b)(I). Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000.
13. Case 170/84 of 13 May 1986. Bilka - Kaufhaus GmbH v Karin Weber von Hartz, para. 35.
14. Case C-167/97 of 9 February 1999, para. 76.
It should be noted also that, even if the protected grounds
(such as gender or race) are removed from the model in
order to infuse it with an appearance of neutrality, proxy
discrimination can still happen (if, as in the above-men-
tioned example, the model relies on another variable to
produce a discriminatory outcome). Therefore, unless an
AI system has been specially developed in a way that ev-
idences arbitrariness, discriminatory AI outcomes would
amount only to indirect discrimination (Hacker, 2018, pp.
This is particularly problematic because indirect discrim-
ination is allowed when certain conditions are fulf‌illed.
(I) Legitimate aim, (II) suitability and (III) necessity are
enshrined in the Directives dealing with discrimination,
while in the case law of the Court of Justice references
are made to (IV) the proportionality of the means.
The requirements of legitimate aim and necessity could
hardly constitute a barrier for discriminatory AI. On the
one hand, an aim such as measuring the credit worthiness
of a client or predicting a convict’ risk of reoffending falls
under the notion of legitimate aim. On the other, necessity
is fulf‌illed as long as there are no less-discriminating alter-
natives of achieving the same level of accuracy (Hacker,
2018, pp. 17-18).
Although something similar occurs with suitability, some
notes need to be highlighted. In Seymour-Smith, the Court
argued that “mere generalizations concerning the capac-
ity of a specif‌ic measure (…) are not enough”.
As Hacker
highlighted, statistics are inherent to AI systems, where
the system’s accuracy is constantly measured. To put it
another way, it’d be relatively easy to provide concrete
measured evidence to the Court concerning the suitability
of the system. Therefore, discriminatory AI might be justi-
f‌ied on the basis of the model’s accuracy. Two possibilities
need further consideration.
If the training data is biased, the accuracy of the
system will likely be compromised. At the same time,
although a biased training data set would have lower
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Is the EU human rights legal framework able to cope with discriminatory AI?
IDP No. 34 (December, 2021) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2021, Pablo Martínez-Ramil
of this edition: 2021, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
levels of accuracy in the real world, that would be hard
to demonstrate. Conversely, a biased AI system would
still produce accurate results within the biased data
set. While it’d be hard to demonstrate for those who
have suffered the consequences of the lack of accu-
racy in the real world, it would be easy to show the
model’s accuracy within a biased data set.
In contexts of proxy discrimination, the accuracy
of the system is not usually compromised. As it was
highlighted above, even if the data sets are correctly
developed and the model is tested with successful
results, proxy discrimination might still happen in the
real world. Although bias might be reduced to the
detriment of accuracy, it generally implies technical
diff‌iculties and economical costs. In cases of proxy
discrimination, it can be established that high levels
of the model’s accuracy would fulf‌il the requirement
(Hacker, 2018, pp. 18-19).
The element of “proportionality of the means” raises po-
tential questions that remain unanswered. In, Bilka-Kau-
fhaus, the Court determined that “if (…) the measures
(…) correspond to a real need (…), are appropriate with
a view to achieving the objectives pursued and are nec-
essary to that end,”
the fact that the measures affected
a greater number of women than men did not amount to
an infringement. Following this reasoning, to the extent
that an AI system is highly accurate, cases of proxy dis-
crimination would arguably pass the proportionality test.
Conversely, in cases where the origin of the discriminatory
results lies in the biased training data set, different issues
arise. First, it should be noted that an unbiased training
data set does not preclude the latter occurrence of proxy
discrimination. Second, it shall be considered whether the
generated model is accurate and obeys a real need. And
third, other circumstantial factors such as the existence
(or not) of alternative data sets or the economic cost
attached to the reduction of biases should be examined.
In sum, depending on the circumstances, even a wrongful
handling of training data set might qualify as proportional
(Hacker, 2018, p. 19).
15. Case 170/84 of 13 May 1986, para. 36.
16. Case C-13/05 of 11 July 2006, para. 56.
17. Case C-303/06 of 17 July 2008, para. 56.
One last item should be brief‌ly analyzed in this section:
the capacity of an AI system to create new categories of
discrimination that do not follow classical typologies. This
concept has been addressed as aff‌inity prof‌iling. Wachter
def‌ines it as “grouping people according to their assumed
interests rather than solely their personal traits” (Wach-
ter, 2020, p. 1). It is often used for targeted advertising
purposes, and it collides with several human rights (such
as the right to privacy).
It also holds several implications for the EU approach
towards discrimination. The grounds protected by EU law
were def‌ined by historical reasons. However, the ability
of modern AI systems to infer characteristics of a certain
group can lead to the creation of ad hoc groups that es-
cape classical typologies. These artif‌icially created groups
(such as “dog owners” or “people born in March”) will
suffer discrimination in similar ways to protected groups
(Wachter, 2020, pp. 55-56). This is problematic because,
as it was established in Chacón Navas, the listed discrimi-
nation grounds cannot be extended by analogy.
Connected to this, the concept of discrimination by associ-
ation must be introduced. It entered the EU realm in Cole-
man. The Court recognized here that whenever a person
who does not belong to a protected group is discriminated
due to an association with it, the act would anyways qual-
ify as direct discrimination.
This raises several questions
regarding prof‌iling techniques. Arguably, if a user who is
“prof‌iled” into a protected group — given his or her as-
sumed interests — is discriminated, that person could be
entitled to bring a claim (Wachter, 2020, pp. 8-9).
All these implications arising from the EU approach
towards non-discrimination must always be examined in
the light of trade secrecy law implications. The scarce
case-law shows that full disclosure of an algorithm almost
constitutes a rara avis, greatly hampering the protection
granted by anti-discrimination EU law.
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Is the EU human rights legal framework able to cope with discriminatory AI?
IDP No. 34 (December, 2021) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2021, Pablo Martínez-Ramil
of this edition: 2021, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
2.3. Doing AI the European way.
The Commission’ proposal
The link between the Commission’ proposal and the de-
fence of fundamental rights is undeniable — in fact, the
term appears 80 times along the document. However, is it
enough to address the legal gaps highlighted above?
The Commission def‌ines its approach as risk-based. Ac-
cordingly, the proposal differentiates between uses of AI
that create (i) an unacceptable risk, (ii) a high risk, and (iii)
low or minimal risk. Uses falling under the f‌irst category
were directly forbidden. The second one involves the ful-
f‌ilment of a set of legal requirements, whereas the last
one only entails certain transparency obligations.
The proposed AI Act Annex III contains a list of AI uses
classif‌ied by areas (that vary from “law enforcement” to
“access and enjoyment of essential private services”) that
would qualify as high-risk. This is of great relevance for
the purposes of this research, considering the discrimina-
tory potential of many uses listed there. Among others,
the Annex refers to systems employed for measuring
credit worthiness of natural persons as well of those “in-
tended to be used for making decisions on promotion and
termination of work-related contractual relationships.
Art. 7 establishes the Commission’s faculty of adding new
entries into the list. This approach was also followed by
the UNESCO Ad Hoc expert group, that, attending to the
changing nature of AI, decided to focus their work on the
relevant features of AI instead of the notion itself (Ad
Hoc Expert Group for the preparation of a draft text of
a recommendation on the ethics of artif‌icial intelligence,
2020, p. 4). It has the advantage of allowing the Commis-
sion to react relatively fast to the challenges introduced
by innovation.
High-risk AI systems would have to meet a set of re-
quirements established in the proposal Art. 10. Art. 10(3)
establishes that training data sets “shall be relevant, rep-
resentative, free of errors and complete. They shall have
the appropriate statistical properties, including, where
applicable, as regards the persons or groups of persons on
18. Arts. 5-6. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council Laying Down Harmonized Rules on Artificial Intelligence
(Artificial Intelligence Act), COM/2021/206 final.
19. Annex III. Artificial Intelligence Act.
which the high-risk AI system is intended to be used.” This
provision is complemented by Art. 10(4), where the same
data sets are required to “take into account, to the extent
required by the intended purpose, the characteristics or
elements that are particular to the specif‌ic geographical,
behavioural or functional setting within which the high-
risk AI system is intended to be used.” The Commission
puts the focus not only on the representativity of the data
but also on (i) the groups of people targeted by the system
and (ii) the environmental circumstances surrounding the
display of the system.
Nevertheless, although the generic wording seems to
obey the (increasing) wide variety of AI uses, a broad
obligation of representativity leaves the door open for
more questions. On the one hand, because no threshold
of representativity is established in the proposal. On the
other hand, because in many cases representative data
will be inexistent. Or its development might imply a higher
economical investment for the company, potentially hin-
dering innovation.
What about proxy discrimination? Well, that is somewhat
addressed ex-post. Art. 12 establishes a design-obligation
for AI systems. They must be built with the capacity to
record incidents “with respect to the occurrence of situ-
ations that may result in the AI system presenting a risk.”
Another safeguard contained in Art. 14 complements
this provision. It is established that AI systems must be
designed “in such a way (…) that they can be effectively
overseen by natural persons.” The human supervision
must be designed in a way that allows the fulf‌ilment of
a set of functions contained in Art. 14(4). Among them, it
must allow the supervisor to “remain aware of the possi-
ble tendency of automatically relying or over-relying on
the output produced by a high-risk AI system’ and to ‘be
able to (…) disregard, override or reverse the output of the
high-risk AI system.”
Although the highlighted measures will not fully prevent
the occurrence of discriminatory outputs and proxy dis-
crimination, they could have the potential to facilitate its
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Is the EU human rights legal framework able to cope with discriminatory AI?
IDP No. 34 (December, 2021) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2021, Pablo Martínez-Ramil
of this edition: 2021, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
detection and (at least) diminish its negative consequenc-
es. It is important to emphasize the “could” because these
obligations are intended to be enforced through a self-as-
sessment procedure
called conformity assessment.
the NGO Algorithm Watch highlighted (Reinhold, 2021),
corporate actors will be interested on deploying the sys-
tems into the market. Therefore, the question of whether
an interested part can assess objectively the fulf‌ilment of
the highlighted obligations remains.
Concerning the opacity of the systems, the proposal tries
to increase transparency while respecting IP rights. On
the one hand, the proposal advocates for the creation
of an EU Database for stand-alone High Risk AI systems.
However, the information that must be provided does
not cover the functioning of the system and has been
contested. Algorithm Watch criticized that is lacking “an
explanation of the model (logic involved) and details on
who developed the system, as well as the results of any
algorithmic impact assessment/human rights impact
assessment undertaken by public authorities” (Reinhold,
2021). A priori, it seems that, although certain transparen-
cy obligations have been established, the barrier that IP
rights constitute will remain.
20. See, at this regard, IOANNIDIS, N.; GKOTSOPOULOU, O. (2021, July). “The Palimpsest of Conformity Assessment in the Proposed Artificial
Intelligence Act: A Critical Exploration of Related Terminology” [online]. Available at: https://europeanlawblog.eu/2021/07/02/the-pa-
limpsest-of-conformity-assessment-in-the-proposed-artificial-intelligence-act-a-critical-exploration-of-related-terminology/ [Accessed :
13 August 2021].
21. Art. 3 (20). EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2021), supra note 56.
It cannot be stated without hesitation that the established
EU human rights legal framework is able to cope with the
challenges for non-discrimination introduced by AI. To the
date, there is no foolproof methodology that can face the
highlighted challenges introduced by AI. On the one hand,
because the existence of IP rights greatly hinders the
acknowledgement of an AI discriminatory output. On the
other hand, because, in the proposed AI Act, the possibili-
ty of overcoming challenges depends to a large degree on
whether the developing companies are committed to fulf‌il
the requirements established in the proposal.
However, it is also somewhat clear that the functioning
of the EU human rights legal framework leaves the door
open for further developments. And this is a fundamental
advantage. In traditional IHRL, the debate is still focused
on whether non-state actors can be found accountable for
human rights violations (Suppa & Bureš, 2020, pp. 153-179).
Within the EU realm, the debate has gone way beyond that
“starting” point. EU law arguably holds a more dynamic
character than IHRL, and dynamism is fundamental when
dealing with disruptive technologies.
Therefore, even if nowadays the established EU frame-
work is not fully able to cope with the challenges, it is still
able to evolve in order to address them. This is where the
added value of the EU human rights legal framework lies.
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Is the EU human rights legal framework able to cope with discriminatory AI?
IDP No. 34 (December, 2021) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2021, Pablo Martínez-Ramil
of this edition: 2021, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
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2021, Pablo Martínez-Ramil
of this edition: 2021, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
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Is the EU human rights legal framework able to cope with discriminatory AI?
IDP No. 34 (December, 2021) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2021, Pablo Martínez-Ramil
of this edition: 2021, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
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Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Is the EU human rights legal framework able to cope with discriminatory AI?
IDP No. 34 (December, 2021) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2021, Pablo Martínez-Ramil
of this edition: 2021, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Recommended citation
MARTÍNEZ-RAMIL, Pablo (2021). “Is the EU human rights legal framework able to cope with discrimina-
tory AI?”. IDP. Internet, Law and Politics E-Journal. No. 34. UOC [Accessed: dd/mm/aa]
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About the authors
Pablo Martínez-Ramil
Department of International and European Law. Faculty of Law, Palacký University Olomouc
Ph.D. Researcher at the Department of International and European Law. Faculty of Law, Palacký Uni-
versity Olomouc. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration from the
University of Salamanca (2012-2017), a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the University of Salamanca
(2012-2017). He also holds a Master’s Degree in Political and Social Leadership from the University
Carlos III of Madrid. (2017-2018) a Master’s Degree on International and European Law by the Palacky
University of Olomouc (2018-2020) and f‌inally a Ph.D. on International and European Law by the
Palacky University of Olomouc (2020-2021). Pablo has previous experience as a Public Affairs Con-
sultant in Lasker Integrated services. Lobbying and Institutional Relations (2018). He is also a social
activist and a volunteer: International Amnesty in the regional structure of Castilla y León (2018),
Legal Clinic of Social Action. University of Salamanca (2017), Curricular practices in the local group of
International Amnesty in Salamanca (2016) and Voluntary Service in the Red Cross (2015). Over the
years he has won the following awards: Master on Political and Social Leadership’ Extraordinary Prize
granted by the University Carlos III of Madrid. 2018 and Member of the Czech team in the 2020 Telders
International Law Moot Court Competition.

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