Edoardo Guaschino: Regulators as Agenda-Setters: How National Agencies Shape Public Issues

AutorAnna M. Palau Roque
CargoDoctora en Ciencia Política, Profesora agregada Serra Húnter en la Universitat de Barcelona (Departamento de Ciencia Política) y miembro del grupo de investigación Q-Dem
Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas, número 33, noviembre de 2023
Recibido: 24-07-2023
Aceptado: 24-07-2023
Publicado: 03-11-2023
ISSN: 1989-8991 – DOI: https://doi.org/10.24965/gapp.11248
Páginas: 123-125
Referencia: Palau Roque, A. M. (2023). Edoardo Guaschino: Regulators as Agenda-Setters: How National Agencies Shape Public
Issues. Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas, 33, 123-125. https://doi.org/10.24965/gapp.11248
Edoardo Guaschino: Regulators as Agenda-Setters: How National
Agencies Shape Public Issues
Palau Roque, Anna M.
Universitat de Barcelona. Departamento de Ciencia Política (España – Spain)
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3473-1114
Anna M. Palau es doctora en Ciencia Política, Profesora agregada Serra Húnter en la Universitat de Bar-
celona (Departamento de Ciencia Política) y miembro del grupo de investigación Q-Dem (www.q-dem.
com). Su investigación se centra en el análisis del comportamiento parlamentario y las políticas públicas,
en concreto el proceso de establecimiento de la agenda política.
Recensión del libro de Edoardo Guaschino, Regulators as Agenda-Setters: How National Agencies Shape
Public Issues, Routledge, 2022, 176 pp.
Establecimiento de la agenda; priorización de problemas; agendas reguladoras.
Review of the book from Edoardo Guaschino, Regulators as Agenda-Setters: How National Agencies
Shape Public Issues, Routledge, 2022, 176 pp.
Agenda setting; issue attention; regulatory agencies.
Edoardo Guaschino is postdoctoral researcher in political science at the University of Lausanne (Swit-
zerland) and coordinator of the Tigre (Trust in Governance and Regulation in Europe) project. He obtained his
PhD also at the University of Lausanne. His research interests and journal publications include issues related
to regulatory agencies and framing.
In Regulators as Agenda-Setters: How National Agencies Shape Public Issues Guaschino provides a
new, fresh perspective to agenda setting research. It looks at the agenda-setting role of increasingly rele-
vant political actors –regulatory agencies– that have been almost ignored by previous research on the topic.
Even though agencies have gained substantial amount of power in most countries in recent decades, being
part of an important process of change in the modes of governance, the agenda-setting literature still focus
disproportionately on the analysis of governments, parliaments and the media. With the goal of covering this
research gap, the book addresses three main questions. First, it wants to explain the agenda setting capacity
of these agencies, namely the mechanisms and strategies through which they influence the entry of issues
into the political and the definition of policy problems. Second, it looks at the conditions under which these
agencies behave as policy entrepreneurs in order to ensure that they preferences are considered along the

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