Der Burschen Herrlichkeit'? Viejas y nuevas formas de examinar la historia de los estudiantes universitarios alemanes (1810-1945). Un informe de investigación

AutorMatthias Stickler
CargoJulius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg
CIAN-Revista de Historia de las Universidades, 25/1 (2022), 22-84. DOI:
ISSN: 1988-8503 -
“Der Burschen Herrlichkeit”? - Old and New Ways
of Examining the History of German University
Students (1810-1945). A Research Report
“Der Burschen Herrlichkeit”? - Viejas y nuevas formas
de examinar la historia de los estudiantes universitarios
alemanes (1810-1945). Un informe de investigación
Matthias Stickler*
Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg
Abstract: This research report at-
tempts to show the basic lines of student
history research in relation to the period
from  to  It is thus primarily con-
cerned with the period that is referred to in
uni-versity history research as the “classical
phase” (Peter Moraw). After an overview of
fundamental questions about the era, it gives
an overview of the history of student frater-
nities, whose importance cannot be overesti-
mated However since student history is not
limited to fraternity history, it then describes
the relationship between student and frater-
nity history since the th century as a kind
of elective afinity In this context particular
Resumen: Este informe de investiga-
ción intenta mostrar las líneas básicas de la
investigación de la historia de los estudiantes
en relación con el período de  a  Por
lo tanto, se ocupa principalmente del período
al que se hace referencia en la investigación
de la historia universitaria como la “fase clá-
sica” (Peter Moraw ). Después de un repaso
de las cuestiones fundamentales de la época,
da un repaso a la historia de las fraternidades
estudiantiles, cuya importancia no puede sub-
estimarse. Sin embargo, dado que la historia
del estudiante no se limita a la historia de la
fraternidad, describe la relación entre la histo-
ria del estudiante y la fraternidad desde el si-
CIAN, 25/1 (2022), 22-84. DOI:
attention is paid to the not always easy rela-
tionship be-tween professional researchers
and laypersons interested in student history,
often members of stu-dent fraternities. The
following part is devoted to the “Sonderweg
theory” in student history, i.e., the thesis that
student fraternities were a particularly cha-
racteristic form of expression of the “German
Sonderweg”. Finally, the last part deals in de-
tail with more recent tendencies in student
historiography since the late s especia-
lly on Catholic student life, student violence,
Jewish students and anti-Semitism, as well
as female students and gender-historical
approaches. As an important desideratum,
genuine cultural aspects of student history
are identiied Nonetheless student history
has nowadays developed into a lourishing
branch of university history.
Key words: Germany, student history,
student fraternities, “student historians”, stu-
dent self-organization, university history.
glo XIX como una especie de ainidad electiva
En este contexto, se presta especial atención
a la relación no siempre fácil entre investiga-
dores profesionales y laicos interesados en la
historia estudiantil, a menudo miembros de
fraternidades estudiantiles. La siguiente par-
te está dedicada a la “teoría del Sonderweg”
en la histo-ria estudiantil, es decir, la tesis de
que las fraternidades estudiantiles fueron una
forma de expresión particularmente caracte-
rística del “Sonderweg alemán”. Finalmente,
la última parte trata en detalle las tendencias
más recientes en la historiograía estudian-
til desde ines de la década de  espe
cialmente sobre la vida estudiantil católica, la
violencia estudiantil, los estudiantes judíos y el
anti-semitismo, así como las estudiantes y los
enfoques históricos de género. Como deside-
rátum importante se identiican los aspectos
culturales genuinos de la historia estudiantil.
No obstante, la historia estudiantil se ha con-
vertido hoy en día en una loreciente rama de
la historia universitaria.
Palabras clave: Alemania, historia
estudiantil, fraternidades estudiantiles, “es-
tudiantes historiadores”, organización estu-
diantil, historia universitaria.
 Fundamentals
A major turning point in the history of German universities and of their stu-
dents was at the turn of the th to the th century.1 Universities underwent
a transition from being traditional corporations to becoming organizations
mediated by a constitutional state However these organizations still pos-
sessed a signiicant number of rights in terms of selfadministration and
were well-equipped public bodies, which then later changed into modern
research and teaching universities.2 This transition had a substantial effect
on the legal status, the self-perception, and the cultural practices of stu-
 The title of this essay uses a quote from the famous German student song “Oh alte Burs-
chenherrlichkeit which can roughly be translated into The good ol days probably writ-
ten in 
 Matthias Asche and Stefan Gerber, “Universität,” in Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit Online. Con-
sulted online on  January  First published online 
CIAN, 25/1 (2022), 22-84. DOI:
dents.3 The PrussianGerman university model later named after Wilhelm
von Humboldt began in  at the University of Berlin This model then
spread throughout the entire Germanspeaking world large parts of Eas-
tern and Southern Europe and it also inluenced university systems outsi-
de of Europe, for instance, in the United States of America. This transition
had two major consequences for students irst students who had been an
integral part of the university corporation and who had legal participation
status and rights were suddenly excluded from the decisionmaking pro-
cess. Thus, students became, in essence, only “users” of the academic insti-
tution although they continued to be awarded a historical and romanticized
Akademisches Bürgerrecht” (academic civil rights). Secondly, through this
process, students also gained some freedom, especially due to the so-called
Humboldtsche Lücke Humboldtian Gap5 which meant that universities
voluntarily gave up their right to supervise students’ behavior. This newly
gained freedom enabled students to organize and regulate their social lives
much more freely than in the English colleges of the time. Nevertheless, the
closely related idea of the complete freedom students enjoyed, called “Burs
chenfreiheit, was in no way new,6 as was the case of other types of student
deviance. This idea of student debauchery was often repeated and beca-
me idealized in the collective memory However students deviant behavior
took on a different character in the th century. The reason for this is that
after the Enlightenment and in light of the French Revolution, German stu-
 Julian Kümmerle Student Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit Online. Consulted online on 12 Ja-
nuary  First published online 
 Research on the socalled Humboldt University has become very differentiated in the
last 25 years, also in an international context. See especially the following two volumes: Rai-
ner C. Schwinges, ed., Humboldt International Der Export des deutschen Universitätsmodells
im  und  Jahrhundert Basel Schwabe  Sylvia Paletschek Die permanente Erin
dung einer Tradition Die Universität Tübingen im Kaiserreich und in der Weimarer Republik
(Stuttgart: Steiner, 2001).
 Friedrich Schaffstein, Wilhelm von Humboldt Ein Lebensbild FrankfurtMain Kloster-
mann  
 Ulrich Rasche, “Cornelius relegatus und die Disziplinierung der deutschen Studenten
 bis frühes  Jahrhundert Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Ikonologie studentischer Memoria
in Frühneuzeitliche Universitätskulturen Kulturhistorische Perspektiven auf die Hochschulen
in Europa ed Barbara KrugRichter and RuthE Mohrmann KölnWeimarWien Böhlau
 
 Marian Füssel Devianz als Norm Studentische Gewalt und akademische Freiheit in Co-
logne im  und  Jahrhundert Westfälische Forschungen    and Riten
der Gewalt Zur Geschichte der akademischen Deposition und des Pennalismus in der frühen
Neuzeit,” Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung   

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