Creando sistemas de inteligencia artificial no discriminatorios: buscando el equilibrio entre la granularidad del código y la generalidad de las normas jurídicas

AutorAlba Soriano Arnanz
CargoProfesora Ayudante Doctora de Derecho Administrativo en la Universidad de Valencia
IDP N.º 38 (October, 2023) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2023, Alba Soriano Arnanz
of this edition: 2023, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Creating non-discriminatory Articial
Intelligence systems: balancing the
tensions between code granularity
and the general nature of legal rules
Alba Soriano Arnanz
Universitat de València
Date of submission: September 2022
Accepted in: March 2023
Published in: October 2023
Over the past decade, concern has grown regarding the risks generated by the use of artif‌icial in-
telligence systems. One of the main problems associated with the use of these systems is the harm
they have been proven to cause to the fundamental right to equality and non-discrimination. In this
context, it is vital that we examine existing and proposed regulatory instruments that aim to address
this particular issue, especially taking into consideration the diff‌iculties of applying the abstract nature
that typically characterises legal instruments and, in particular, the equality and non-discrimination
legal framework, to the specif‌ic instructions that are needed when coding an artif‌icial intelligence
instrument that aims to be non-discriminatory. This paper focuses on examining how article 10 of the
new EU Artif‌icial Intelligence Act proposal may be the starting point for a new form of regulation that
adapts to the needs of algorithmic systems.
algorithms; equality; discrimination; biases; artif‌icial intelligence
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Creating non-discriminatory Artif‌icial Intelligence systems: balancing the tensions
between code granularity and the general nature of legal rules
IDP N.º 38 (October, 2023) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2023, Alba Soriano Arnanz
of this edition: 2023, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Creando sistemas de inteligencia articial no discriminatorios:
buscando el equilibrio entre la granularidad del código y la
generalidad de las normas jurídicas
En la última década ha crecido la preocupación por los riesgos que genera el uso de sistemas de inte-
ligencia artif‌icial. Uno de los principales problemas asociados al uso de estos sistemas son los riesgos
que su uso genera para el derecho fundamental a la igualdad y a la no discriminación. En este contexto,
debemos examinar los instrumentos normativos existentes y propuestos que pretenden abordar dichos
riesgos, prestando especial atención a las dif‌icultades de aplicar el carácter abstracto que suele carac-
terizar a las normas jurídicas y, en particular, al marco jurídico de la igualdad y la no discriminación, a
las instrucciones específ‌icas que se necesitan a la hora de programar un sistema de inteligencia artif‌i-
cial no discriminatorio. Este trabajo se centra en examinar cómo el artículo 10 de la nueva propuesta de
Reglamento de Inteligencia Artif‌icial puede ser un punto de partida útil en el camino hacia una nueva
forma de regular que se adapte a las necesidades de los sistemas algorítmicos.
Palabras clave
algoritmos; igualdad; discriminación; sesgos; inteligencia artif‌icial
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Creating non-discriminatory Artif‌icial Intelligence systems: balancing the tensions
between code granularity and the general nature of legal rules
IDP N.º 38 (October, 2023) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2023, Alba Soriano Arnanz
of this edition: 2023, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Discrimination caused or mediated by the use of automated
systems has been recognised by the scholarship and institu-
tions as one of the main risks arising from the growing use of
algorithms in many areas of economic and social life (Gerards
& Xenidis, 2021). In this context, over the past few years, a
f‌ield of research specif‌ically focused on investigating the de-
velopment of systems respectful of the equality principle has
emerged within the growing body of work related to algorith-
mic discrimination (Bent, 2020; Berk et al., 2018; Chouldecho-
va, 2016; Corbett & Goel, 2018; Friedler et al., 2018; Pleis et
al., 2017). Published works in this area propose mechanisms
to incorporate “equality by design” into Artif‌icial Intelligence
(hereinafter, AI) systems (Renan-Barzilay & Ben-David, 2017,
p. 430), while attempting to establish a formula that def‌ines
what constitutes a non-discriminatory system.
However, this line of research has not been able, to date, to
give a conclusive answer as to the parameters that should
be introduced in an automated system to ensure respect for
the rights to equality and non-discrimination.
One of the
main reasons why it is extremely diff‌icult to establish f‌ixed
criteria with which all automated systems must comply in
order to be considered non-discriminatory is the abstrac-
tion that characterises legal norms. In this sense, given that
the interpretation and application of the normative frame-
work for the protection of the rights to equality and non-dis-
crimination is carried out on a case-by-case basis, there is
a signif‌icant variation in the applicable criteria depending
on the context, the type of decision made and the people
affected, among other elements (Wachter et al., 2021).
Notwithstanding the existence of some rules applicable to
the use of automated systems, such as article 22 of the
General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter, GDPR),
which generally prohibits decisions solely based on the
automated processing of data, we do not yet have a reg-
ulatory corpus designed to address, in a comprehensive
manner, the different problems and risks generated by
the growing use of automated systems. For this reason,
most scholars have focused on analysing how regulatory
instruments in the f‌ields of transparency, equality and
data protection, amongst others, can be applied to the
use of artif‌icial intelligence. Much of this work has focused
on the inadequacies of existing rules to address some of
the challenges posed by the use of AI systems (Cerrillo i
Martínez, 2019; Huergo Lora, 2020; Valero Torrijos, 2020).
1. For further analysis of the concepts and approaches to equality and non-discrimination, see Soriano Arnanz (2020), pp. 59-113.
The aim of the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Par-
liament and of the Council laying down harmonised rules on
Artif‌icial Intelligence (Artif‌icial Intelligence Act) and amending
certain union legislative acts (hereinafter, proposal for an EU
AI Act) is to address the inadequacies of the existing rules as
well as to establish an effective control system for AI systems
(Soriano Arnanz, 2021a). This regulatory proposal establishes
a risk-based approach and establishes four levels of risk:
Systems whose risk is so unacceptably high that they
are prohibited (Title II);
Systems that generate high risk (Title III);
Systems to which, though they are not considered high
risk, a series of transparency requirements apply (Title IV);
The remaining systems (Title IX).
Most of the proposal for an EU Artif‌icial Intelligence Act
focuses on the regulation of high-risk systems. Within
the requirements to be met by these systems, this paper
focuses on those contained in article 10, which refer to
the data used in the “training, validation and testing” of
high-risk systems. Thus, the aim of this paper is to ana-
lyse whether this provision can provide clear guidelines
on how to articulate “equality by design”, thus helping to
limit some of the causes of algorithmic discrimination.
This paper is structured in two parts. The f‌irst part deals
with the diff‌iculties that the current legal framework on
equality and non-discrimination, as well as its develop-
ment through case law in the Court of Justice of the Euro-
pean Union (hereinafter, CJEU), present in providing clear
guidelines that programmers can use to create non-dis-
criminatory systems. The second part analyses article 10
of the proposal for an EU AI Act in order to determine
whether it can provide some answers as to how equality
by design should be articulated in AI systems.
1. The diiculty of articulating
equality by design in the current
regulatory and jurisprudential
In the context of AI, equality by design refers to the integra-
tion of the principle of equality in the process of developing
AI systems with the purpose of ensuring that they do not
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Creating non-discriminatory Artif‌icial Intelligence systems: balancing the tensions
between code granularity and the general nature of legal rules
IDP N.º 38 (October, 2023) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2023, Alba Soriano Arnanz
of this edition: 2023, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
generate discriminatory effects once they are deployed. As
noted in the f‌irst section, one of the reasons why it is diff‌i-
cult to determine what parameters an AI system must meet
to be considered non-discriminatory is the abstract nature
of legal norms, which are designed to be adapted when ap-
plied to specif‌ic cases. As is evident, the diff‌iculty of trans-
lating normative abstraction to the specif‌icity required by
computer code occurs not only in the area of discrimination
but also in other areas, such as when incorporating data
protection obligations into the system. However, the exact
def‌inition of what constitutes a discriminatory decision is
particularly complicated for several reasons.
First of all, if we focus on the f‌ield of European law, this
legal framework is not only characterised by the typical
abstraction of the law, but by an added level of abstraction
that results from the fact that these rules must subse-
quently be adapted to the context of each Member State.
Thus, even if we examine the case law of the CJEU, we do
not f‌ind a consistent set of criteria that could be translated
into requirements to be considered in the programming of
Artif‌icial Intelligence systems. For example, the EU legal
framework and case law have not set exact thresholds, for
instance, on what percentage of women should be nega-
tively affected by a decision or measure, in order to deter-
mine when a practice is to be considered discriminatory.
The European legal framework on equality and non-dis-
crimination is established in article 21 of the Charter of
Fundamental Rights of the EU (hereinafter, CFEU), which
establishes the general clause prohibiting discrimination
on the basis of an open list of certain specially-protected
categories. Similarly, both the Treaty on the Functioning
of the European Union (hereinafter TFEU) and the Treaty
on European Union (hereinafter TEU) contain some pre-
cepts that provide for the generic protection of equality
(articles 2 and 3 TEU and 8 TFEU) or in a more specif‌ic
manner, referring for example to the protection and pro-
motion of equality between women and men in the f‌ield of
employment (articles 153 and 157 TFEU).
2. Council Directive 2000/43/EC of 29 June 2000 implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic
3. Directive 2010/41/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 July 2010 on the application of the principle of equal treatment
between men and women engaged in an activity in a self-employed capacity and repealing Council Directive 86/613/EEC.
4. Directive 2006/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July 2006 on the implementation of the principle of equal
opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation (recast).
5. Council Directive 2004/113/EC of 13 December 2004 implementing the principle of equal treatment between men and women in the access
to and supply of goods and services
6. Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation.
The generic prohibitions of discrimination contained in EU
primary law, among which the clause of article 21 CFEU
should be highlighted, are further developed in the Equal-
ity Directives. These Directives prohibit discrimination on
grounds of race in employment, occupation, vocational
training, various areas of social assistance, including social
security and education, and access to goods and services;
discrimination on grounds of gender in self-employment,
employment, occupation, social security
and access
to goods and services;
and discrimination on grounds
of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation
in employment, occupation and vocational training.
these rules provide a more specif‌ic def‌inition of what
constitutes discrimination and, in addition, establish two
types of discrimination: direct and indirect.
In order to prove that an action is directly discriminatory, it
is necessary to prove that a person is, has been or could be
treated less favourably than another in a similar situation
on the basis of one of the protected grounds. The possibil-
ities of justifying a directly discriminatory measure by the
defendant are very limited, since only objective and limited
justif‌ications are allowed, such as, for example, that the
suspect category “constitutes a genuine and determining
occupational requirement” – article 14(2) of the Directive
on equality between women and men in employment.
Indirect discrimination occurs when an apparently neutral
provision, criterion or practice is likely to place individuals
that pertain to a protected group at a particular disad-
vantage compared to non-members of the group. Once
the plaintiff proves a prima facie case of discrimination, the
burden is on the defendant to prove that the apparently
neutral provision, criterion or practice pursues a legitimate
aim and that it is appropriate, necessary and proportionate
to achieve that aim. For example, introducing benef‌its only
for employees who work full-time is discriminatory against
women because they are far more likely than men to take
part-time jobs as a result of holding most caregiving re-
sponsibilities within families (Soriano Arnanz, 2021b, p. 115).
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Creating non-discriminatory Artif‌icial Intelligence systems: balancing the tensions
between code granularity and the general nature of legal rules
IDP N.º 38 (October, 2023) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2023, Alba Soriano Arnanz
of this edition: 2023, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
In order to take these standards into account when
programming non-discriminatory automated systems,
we must know what is considered “less favourable treat-
ment” or a “particular disadvantage”. For example, pro-
grammers designing algorithms for recruiting employees
should have a specif‌ic reference regarding the maximum
percentage of a group that can be negatively affected
by the system in order for it not to be considered dis-
criminatory. For example, do we consider the system to
be discriminatory if it systematically recommends men’s
CVs at a ratio of 70 to 30 with regard to women’s? Or
should the threshold be set at 60 to 40? Or is anything
different from 50-50 to be considered discriminatory?
If programmers have this exact reference, they can ad-
just systems before deploying them in order to ensure
that they respect the principle and right to equality and
non-discrimination. However, this is precisely where we
encounter one of the main problems concerning the im-
plementation of European equality standards in comput-
er code, since neither European legislation nor European
case law establishes a f‌ixed threshold for considering an
action to be discriminatory.
The ambiguity in determining which actions are consid-
ered discriminatory is an element that makes sense in
the European context if we take into account the dif-
ferences between the legal systems of the different EU
Member States. Thus, the lack of precise determination
of a threshold above which a practice is considered dis-
criminatory allows for a more f‌lexible application of the
rules at the internal level of each State. However, this
f‌lexibility makes the work of those in charge of design-
ing automated systems extremely diff‌icult, as they do
not have a clear reference to ensure that the system is
not discriminatory.
Furthermore, another issue that hinders the translation of
legal rules into computer code in the context of discrimi-
nation claims is the scarce use of statistics to measure dis-
crimination claims at the EU level, as both national courts
and the CJEU tend to rely more on traditional forms of
evidence, such as common sense (Makkonen, 2007, p. 30,
34; Wachter et al., 2021, pp. 14-16).
7. Mandla (Sewa Singh) and another v. Dowell Lee and others [1983] 2 AC 548.
8. It is worth noting, in relation to proof of direct algorithmic discrimination, that without full access to the system, it will be extremely difficult
to prove direct discrimination, unless the system clearly treats all members of the disadvantaged group in a less favourable manner.
9. See, for instance, CJEU Judgment 20 March 2011, C-123/10, Brachner (paragraph 56); 22 November 2011, C-385/11, Elbal Moreno (paragraph
29); 18 March 2014, C-167/12, C.D. v. S.T (paragraph 48); and 14 April 2015, C-527/13, Lourdes Cachaldora Fernández v. INSS (paragraph 28).
The use of such more traditional forms of evidence gen-
erally involves making intuitive connections between the
apparently neutral criterion and the discriminatory out-
come. For example, in the United Kingdom, a ban on wear-
ing turbans at work was found by the courts to be a clear
case of indirect discrimination against ethnic Sikhs.
problem that arises in the f‌ield of algorithmic discrimina-
tion is that it is not always easy to detect the relationship
between the apparently neutral characteristic taken into
account by the automated system and the membership of
a disadvantaged group (Barocas & Selbst, 2018). For ex-
ample, one of the criteria taken into consideration by the
algorithm could be the colours that individuals prefer to
purchase when buying clothes, and it may transpire that
the colours chosen are associated with the race of individ-
uals. The link between these two elements will clearly be
hard to f‌ind and explain. Moreover, given the opacity that
characterises algorithmic systems (Soriano Arnanz, 2021c,
pp. 94-96), it is even more complicated to use traditional
forms of evidence in cases of algorithmic discrimination,
both indirect and direct, because we will not even know
which criterion is causing the system to have a discrimina-
tory impact.
This is why the prosecution of discrimination
cases mediated by the use of artif‌icial intelligence tools will
lead to an increase in the use of statistical evidence.
It is therefore relevant to examine the criteria adopted
by European courts and, in particular, the CJEU when ac-
cepting statistical evidence in cases of discrimination. At
the European level, it has generally been required that the
proportion of members of the disadvantaged group who
are adversely affected by the indirectly discriminatory
decision must be considerably high. Specif‌ically, the CJEU
considers that indirect discrimination exists when the
apparently neutral measure “works to the disadvantage
of far more” members of the disadvantaged group than
This expression was specif‌ied, among
other decisions, in the Opinion of Advocate General Léger,
issued in case C-317/93 Inge Nolte v. Landesversicherung-
sanstalt Hannover, in which he indicated that proving that
60% of the persons adversely affected by a measure be-
longed to a specially protected group was insuff‌icient to
consider such a measure as indirectly discriminatory. The
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Creating non-discriminatory Artif‌icial Intelligence systems: balancing the tensions
between code granularity and the general nature of legal rules
IDP N.º 38 (October, 2023) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2023, Alba Soriano Arnanz
of this edition: 2023, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
statistical threshold to consider and apparently neutral
measure as discriminatory has thus been generally placed
at 80%. That is, if this criterion is applied, at least 80% of
the individuals negatively affected by the measure must
belong to the disadvantaged group (Wachter, 2020, p. 45).
However, it is highly relevant to bear in mind that this
percentage is by no means a f‌ixed f‌igure and that, in fact,
the CJEU has recognised that it could be accepted that
a smaller proportion of individuals adversely affected by
the measure belonged to the disadvantaged group “if the
statistical evidence revealed a lesser but persistent and
relatively constant disparity over a long period”.
ering this ruling along with the fact that AI systems are
used to process many people, it would be possible to lower
the threshold for considering that a decision made by or
with the help of an AI system is discriminatory.
In any case, it is obvious that there is no f‌ixed criterion
for determining what should be considered an indirectly
discriminatory decision, which makes it very diff‌icult for
programmers to create non-discriminatory systems, as
they have no clear rule to follow.
It is worth highlighting that in the US, unlike in the EU, a
metric threshold is established, at least in the f‌ield of em-
ployment, above which the measure adopted is considered
to be discriminatory. This rule, known as “the four-f‌ifths
requires that the proportion of recruits of any race or
sex must not be less than four-f‌ifths or 80% of the selected
individuals belonging to the group with the highest selection
rate. These percentages are calculated based on the number
of people from each group who applied for the job. Thus, if
100% of the men applying for a job were selected, the per-
centage of women hired should be 80% of those who applied
(U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 1979).
While it is true that the four-f‌ifths rule does not constitute
a f‌ixed and immovable threshold, as the situation in each
specif‌ic case must also be analysed (Barocas & Selbst,
2016, p. 702), what is certain is that it at least provides a
clear criterion that can be taken into account by female
and male programmers.
10. CJEU Judgement, 9 February 1999, C-167/97, Regina v. Secretary of state for Employment, ex parte: Nicole Seymour-Smith and Laura Perez
(paragraph 61).
11. This rule was first published in 1978 in the “Uniform Guidelines on employee selection procedures”, section § 1607.4.D Title 29 US Code of
Federal Regulations.
2. Equality by design in the proposed
EU Articial Intelligence Regulation
2.1. Ex ante control solutions
One of the main shortcomings of the existing legal frame-
work for the protection of equality and non-discrimination
is that the prohibitions to discriminate are mechanisms
that operate ex post, that is, after the discriminatory ac-
tion has already taken place. While it is true that there is
an obligation not to discriminate, which serves as a start-
ing point for articulating equality by design in artif‌icial
intelligence systems, the fact is that there are no ex ante
regulatory control mechanisms to ensure that AI systems
are not discriminatory.
2.2. Requirements to be met by training, validation
and test data for high-risk AI systems
Automated systems are trained with data related to the
phenomenon they seek to predict. For example, a system
designed to determine the most suitable candidates for a
job can be trained with historical data regarding a compa-
ny’s recruitment processes.
Once the system has been trained, its performance will be
evaluated with validation data. This data is used to detect
the level of accuracy of the system and, in general, to ver-
ify that the system adequately measures and predicts the
aspect of social reality it is supposed to process and eval-
uate. If we are designing a system for generating prof‌iles
of possible perpetrators of a homicide, the validation data
set will contain information related to homicides that have
already been solved. The part of the information obtained
during the investigation will be entered into the system
without indicating the characteristics of the perpetrator
in order to check whether the prediction made by the
system corresponds to reality.
Finally, as stated in article 3.31 of the proposed AI Regula-
tion, test data are “data used for providing an independ-
ent evaluation of the trained and validated AI system in
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Creating non-discriminatory Artif‌icial Intelligence systems: balancing the tensions
between code granularity and the general nature of legal rules
IDP N.º 38 (October, 2023) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2023, Alba Soriano Arnanz
of this edition: 2023, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
order to conf‌irm the expected performance of that system
before its placing on the market or putting into service”.
The origin of algorithmic discrimination can often be
found in the datasets used to train the system (Barocas &
Selbst, 2016; Hacker, 2018). Considering that society has
historically been built on structures of discrimination that
have placed, and still place, certain population groups in
positions of disadvantage or subordination, when an auto-
mated system is trained with data from the “real world”,
it is easy for that information to be contaminated by the
indicated structures of discrimination, thus leading the
system to internalise the disadvantaged position in which
society places certain groups. Similarly, if the validation
and test data used to train the system also ref‌lect these
historical structures of discrimination, the system will con-
f‌irm that the biases it contains are, in fact, correct.
Therefore, establishing requirements with which the
system’s training, validation and test data must comply
is not only useful but also essential as a mechanism for
preventing algorithmic discrimination. This is recognised
in Recital 44 of the proposed Regulation by stating that:
“High data quality is essential for the performance of
many AI systems, especially when techniques involving the
training of models are u herramientas sed, with a view to
ensure that the high-risk AI system performs as intended
and safely and it does not become the source of discrimi-
nation prohibited by Union law.”
In this regard, article 10 of the proposed AI Regulation sets
out a number of requirements to be met by the training,
validation and test data of high-risk AI systems, as well as
by the people or organisations in charge of collecting such
data and processing them. The following pages discuss
how the mandates of article 10(2) to (4) address different
issues that, if not considered in the initial system design,
data collection and processing phases, can lead to bias
and discriminatory results.
2.2.1. Formulation of assumptions and selection of
The second paragraph of article 10 states that “training, val-
idation and testing data sets shall be subject to appropriate
data governance and management practices”, and goes on
to list those aspects on which such practices should focus.
Among other elements, these good practices should focus
on “the formulation of relevant assumptions, notably with
respect to the information that the data are supposed to
measure and represent” (Art. 10.2.d) and the “prior as-
sessment of the availability, quantity and suitability of the
data sets that are needed” (Art. 10.2.e). Similarly, article
10(3) states that “training, validation and testing data sets
shall be relevant, representative [...].”
Finally, with regard to the elements relevant to the analysis
carried out in this section, article 10(4) states the following:
“Training, validation and testing data sets shall take into
account, to the extent required by the intended purpose,
the characteristics or elements that are particular to the
specif‌ic geographical, behavioural or functional setting wi-
thin which the high-risk AI system is intended to be used.
The transcribed requirements can be easily summarised
in a single word: appropriateness. The purpose of these
mandates is to ensure that the data are suitable for meas-
uring the aspect of social reality or human behaviour that
the system is designed to analyse or predict. The require-
ments detailed above are particularly relevant in relation
to two of the initial phases of the design and training pro-
cess of an algorithmic system: problem specif‌ication (and
formulation of assumptions) and feature selection.
Problem specif‌ication is the def‌inition of the objective to
be pursued. For example, the objective could be to deter-
mine the probability that each applicant for a mortgage
loan will default on the repayment conditions of the loan.
This objective is divided into different possible outcomes
or assumptions that must be adequate to predict the be-
haviour measured. For instance, in the case of predicting
default in the repayment of a mortgage loan, it is probably
more suitable to express the results with sequential nu-
merical values (from 0 to 100) than with f‌ixed categories
such as the classif‌ication into high, medium and low prob-
ability of default. This is because the conditions under
which the loan will be granted will depend on the category
in which each person is classif‌ied. Therefore, if three broad
categories are established, it is likely that all individuals
with a 67 to 100 probability of default will be assigned to
the group with the highest probability of not being able to
repay the loan, and the loan granting (or denial) conditions
will be identical for all of them, despite the signif‌icant dif-
ferences that will be found within the group itself. This is
why the formulation of the assumptions is of great impor-
tance to ensure that decisions made based on the system’s
predictions are appropriate and to avoid treating people in
different situations in an equally detrimental manner.
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Creating non-discriminatory Artif‌icial Intelligence systems: balancing the tensions
between code granularity and the general nature of legal rules
IDP N.º 38 (October, 2023) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2023, Alba Soriano Arnanz
of this edition: 2023, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
The selection of the characteristics or variables (data)
that are taken into account when measuring the aspect of
social reality or human behaviour that the system intends
to predict is also of enormous relevance, because it is one
of the main ways in which situations of indirect discrim-
ination can be generated by AI systems. In this sense, it
is easy to choose variables that, despite being apparently
neutral, in fact correlate to belonging or not belonging
to a disadvantaged group. For example, the valuation of
postal codes in decision-making involves the valuation of
an apparently neutral criterion, but one which in the USA
has been shown to be closely linked to belonging to one
racial or ethnic group or another (Hunt, 2005).
2.2.2. Detection of gaps, biases and errors
Section 10(2)(f) states that examination of the data should
be conducted “in view possible biases”. Subsequently,
paragraph (g) states that “any possible data gaps or short-
comings, and how those gaps and shortcomings can be
addressed” should be identif‌ied.
Artif‌icial intelligence systems are often not completely
objective. One of the main reasons why these systems
may be biased is as a consequence of having learned from
a database that under- or over-represents disadvantaged
groups, so that the decisions made by the system end up
harming them (Žliobaitė, 2015). If the training data of a
system employed for personnel selection in a company
are biased so that women are underrepresented, the
system will learn to eliminate or give lower scores to fe-
male job applicants than to male candidates. On the other
hand, if a system used to predict whether a person has a
high probability of defaulting on loan repayment terms is
trained with a database in which people of a certain eth-
nicity or minority race are over-represented, the system
will attribute a higher risk of default to them.
Errors or gaps in the databases are also common, espe-
cially considering that designers and operators of algo-
rithmic systems tend to use cheaper databases (Barocas
& Selbst, 2016, p. 689). These databases are very effective
in creating algorithmic systems since, despite the possible
errors or gaps they may contain, they remain enormously
accurate. However, these errors and gaps tend to be found
in the data regarding members to disadvantaged groups,
leading to the system making more errors with respect to
these groups once it has been implemented (Kim, 2015,
pp. 885-886).
Also in relation to these issues, article 10(3) states that
“training, validation and testing data sets shall be rele-
vant, representative, free of errors and complete”.
2.2.3. Labelling
Article 10(2)(c) of the proposed AI Regulation states that
“relevant data preparation processing operations, such as
annotation, labelling, cleaning, enrichment and aggrega-
In supervised learning environments, the data with which
the system is trained are labelled, grouped and classif‌ied
so that the algorithms learn what characteristics to look
for in the people they analyse once they are put into op-
eration and, based on the characteristics detected, how
each person should be classif‌ied. In unsupervised learning
systems, on the other hand, it is the system itself that must
autonomously identify the existing relationships between
the different categories of data it is fed (Gerards & Xenidis,
2021, pp. 34-35). Consequently, the labelling and classif‌i-
cation phases are part of the data processing involved in
the programming of supervised learning systems.
For example, a system used to predict the creditworthi-
ness of individuals applying for a bank loan will be trained
to detect certain characteristics in applicants that are
relevant to the granting of a loan, such as income level
and savings. However, the system can also be trained to
consider other characteristics that are less relevant in
determining an individual’s creditworthiness, such as the
type of music they listen to, and which may contribute to
the introduction of biases into the system that favour the
members of historically advantaged groups.
2.3. Eectiveness and shortcomings of article 10
as a mechanism to ensure equality by design
in AI systems
As the brief analysis of some of the sections contained in
article 10 of the proposed AI Regulation conveys, these
rules are still characterised by containing general man-
dates that are diff‌icult to specify for people who design AI
systems. Thus, although the provision refers to the various
moments in the design of algorithmic systems at which
decisions can be made that may result in the system per-
petuating the historical structures of discrimination that
underlie society, the fact is that it does not specify what
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Creating non-discriminatory Artif‌icial Intelligence systems: balancing the tensions
between code granularity and the general nature of legal rules
IDP N.º 38 (October, 2023) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2023, Alba Soriano Arnanz
of this edition: 2023, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
these “relevant data preparation processing operations”
for labelling are, nor what is considered a biased database,
among other issues.
However, we should still acknowledge the positive aspects
of this provision insofar as it focuses on highlighting those
phases of the design process of AI systems to which spe-
cial attention should be paid, which itself enhances the
chances of detecting possible elements that may lead to
discriminatory results and preventing these, especially if
we consider that the people in charge of designing auto-
mated systems are often unaware of the risks to the rights
to equality and non-discrimination that they may generate.
Moreover, we must also f‌inally highlight the importance of
article 10.5, as it refers to the possibility of processing spe-
cial categories of data, which, for instance, include race,
religious beliefs and biometric data, when the purpose is
to monitor, detect and correct possible biases in high-risk
AI systems. Hence, this specif‌ic section not only focuses
on the design of algorithmic systems from the perspec-
tive of equality, but also provides a mechanism that can
contribute to the detection of algorithmic discrimination.
Article 10.5 of the proposal for an EU AI Act is also par-
ticularly relevant because it establishes an exception to
the prohibition of processing special categories of data
set, amongst other rules, by article 9 of the GDPR, which
refers to the processing of information that, to a large
extent, can be identif‌ied with the suspect categories of
producing discrimination.
Article 9 GDPR has been criticised on the grounds that
the impossibility of processing these data categories may
increase the possibility of hiding discriminatory instruc-
tions in algorithms (Soriano Arnanz, 2020, pp. 395-404;
Žliobaitė & Custers, 2016, p. 198). This is why introducing
an exemption to the prohibition when what is intended is
precisely to detect these potential biases is very useful, as
this provision serves as the necessary legal basis for devel-
oping tools aimed at detecting and preventing the perpetu-
ation of inequality mediated by the use of AI systems.
Throughout the previous pages, the lack of specif‌ic legal
norms, in particular, in the area of equality and non-dis-
crimination, has been presented as one of the main obsta-
cles to be overcome if we want AI systems to respect the
legal system from the moment they are created. The legal
framework on equality and non-discrimination and case
law developed at the European level do not establish suff‌i-
ciently precise mandates that programmers can translate
into computer code.
This is why it is necessary to pass specif‌ic rules, such as
the proposed regulation on Artif‌icial Intelligence, that
regulate AI decision-making. From the analysis of article
10 of said proposed regulation, it is once again possible
to identify a lack of specif‌ication in the rules that refer
to the data used in the design and creation of automated
systems. However, the simple fact that the aspects of the
data selection and processing phases that can generate
biases are pointed out, as well as having highlighted these
risks, is already a huge step forward with respect to other
existing rules and could help people in charge of designing
AI systems to be aware of and control the possible appear-
ance of biases and even create tools to ensure an ex post
control even after AI systems are deployed.
This paper has been carried out in the framework of the
SHINE (Sharing Economy and Inequalities across Europe)
Jean Monnet Network, with the support of the European
Union and the Algorithmical Law (PROMETEU/2021/009)
research project, funded by the Generalitat Valenciana.
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Creating non-discriminatory Artif‌icial Intelligence systems: balancing the tensions
between code granularity and the general nature of legal rules
IDP N.º 38 (October, 2023) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2023, Alba Soriano Arnanz
of this edition: 2023, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
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2023, Alba Soriano Arnanz
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Recommended citation
SORIANO ARNANZ, Alba (2022). “Creating non-discriminatory Artif‌icial Intelligence systems: balancing the tensions
between code granularity and the general nature of legal rules”. IDP. Internet, Law and Politics E-Journal. No. 38. UOC
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Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Creating non-discriminatory Artif‌icial Intelligence systems: balancing the tensions
between code granularity and the general nature of legal rules
IDP N.º 38 (October, 2023) I ISSN 1699-8154 Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department
2023, Alba Soriano Arnanz
of this edition: 2023, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
About the author
Alba Soriano Arnanz
Universitat de València
Assistant Professor of Administrative Law, PhD at the University of Valencia. Graduate in Law and Political Sciences and
Public Administration from the University of Valencia (2015), Master of International Political Economy from the London
School of Economics and Political Science (2016), Master of Law from the UOC (2018) and Doctor of Law from the Uni-
versity of Valencia with his doctoral thesis Current and future possibilities for the regulation of discrimination produced
by algorithms (2021), led by Professor Andrés Boix Palop. She is the author of various publications on the subject of
personal data protection and algorithmic discrimination, among which the book Data protection for the prevention of
algorithmic discrimination (2021) edited by Thomson Reuters – Aranzadi and the articles “Automated decision-making
and discrimination: general approach and proposals”, Revista General de Derecho Administrativo, no. 56, 2021 and
“Automated Decisions – Legal Problems and Solutions. Beyond Data Protection,” Revista de Derecho Público: Teoría y
Método, no. 1.3, 2021 stand out. She has also dedicated some of her research to improving recruitment systems and the
situation of women in public employment.

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