Artículos de publicaciones periódicas


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"Agriculture et environnement". Droit de l'environnement, n. 205, octubre 2012, pp. 319-326

"An Inside View of the CAP Reform Process: Explaining the MacSherry, Agenda 2000 and Fischler Reforms, by Arlindo Cuhna and Alan Swinbank. (Oxford University Press, 2011)". Environmental Law Review, vol. 21, n. 3, pp. 151-154

JACK, Brian. "Ecosystem Services and the Rural Environment: Reforming European Agricultural Law". Environmental Law Review, vol. 21, n. 6, pp. 258-273

PALMA FERNÁNDEZ, José Luis. "Las Cámaras Agrarias: sobre su origen, esplendor y muerte". Civitas: revista española de derecho administrativo, n. 155, julio-septiembre 2012, pp. 277-290


CASTRO, Douglas de. "The Shared Management of the Guarani Aquifer: The South American Example in Global Governance over Water Resources". Yearbook of international environmental law, 23 noviembre 2012, pp. 67-70

DURNER LL.M., Wolfgang. "Wasserhaushaltsgesetz". Natur und recht, vol. 34, n. 10, octubre 2012, pp. 697

KEMPEN, J.J.H. van. "Countering the Obscurity of Obligations in European Environmental Law: An Analysis of Article 4 of the European Water Framework Directive". Journal of Environmental Law, vol. 24, n. 3, noviembre 2012, pp. 499-533

KUZNIK, Christoph. "Zur Zulässigkeit der Verfügung einer spezifisch wasserrechtlichen Nebenbestimmung (§ 58 Abs. 4 WHG) in einer integrierten immissionschutzrechtlichen Anlagengenehmigung". Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht (ZUR), n. 11, 2012

VGH Kassel, Beschluss vom 10. August 2012 - 2 B 896/12. "Untersagung der Nutzung einer Erdwärmesonde (Geothermie) wegen fehlender wasserrechtlicher Erlaubnis". Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht (ZUR), n. 11, 2012


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SCHEIDLER, Alfred. "Immissionen bei der Tierhaltung aus öffentlich-rechtlicher und zivilrechtlicher Sicht". Natur und recht, vol. 34, n. 10, octubre 2012, pp. 681-687

Bienestar animal:

AFLATOONI, Shidon. "The Statutory Pet Trust: Recommendations For A New Uniform Law Based On The Past Twenty-One Years". Animal law review, vol. 18, n. 1, otoño 2011

"Beschlagnahmung einer Griechischen Landschildkröte". Natur und recht, vol. 34, n. 10, octubre 2012, pp. 735-736

GARCÍA URETA, Agustín. "Áreas destinadas a la defensa, protección de la biodiversidad e incidencia del derecho de la Unión Europea sobre las competencias atribuidas en la Constitución: reflexiones a la luz de la STC 82/2012 (Parque Natural de la Bardenas Reales). Civitas: revista española de derecho administrativo, n. 155, julio-septiembre 2012, pp. 155-171

GIRGEN, Jen. "State Animal Use Protection Statutes: An Overview". Animal law review, vol. 18, n. 1, otoño 2011

KIMBRELL, George; TOMASELLI, Paige. "A "Fisheye" Lens On The Technological Dilemma: The Specter Of Genetically Engineered Animals". Animal law review, vol. 18, n. 1, otoño 2011

LANSING, Ronald B. "The Animal Companion Puzzle: A Worth Unknown Though Height Taken". Animal law review, vol. 18, n. 1, otoño 2011

LIEBMAN, Matthew. "Who The Judge Ate For Breakfast: On The Limits Of Creativity In Animal Law And The Redeeming Power Of Powerlessness". Animal law review, vol. 18, n. 1, otoño 2011

WHEEN, Nicola R. "How the Law Lets Down the ‘Down-Under Dolphin’-Fishing-Related Mortality of Marine Animals and the Law in New Zealand". Journal of Environmental Law, vol. 24, n. 3, noviembre 2012, pp. 477-497


ROMPPANEN, Seita. "Regulating Better Biofuels for the European Union". Environmental Law Review, vol. 21, n. 3, pp. 123-141


CADDELL, Richard. "The Integration of Multilateral Environmental Agreements: Lessons from the Biodiversity-Related Conventions". Yearbook of International Environmental Law, 11 noviembre 2012, pp. 1-39

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"Diversité biologique". Droit de l'environnement, n. 205, octubre 2012, pp. 315-319

"Lutte contre la biopiraterie et protection de la biodiversité". Droit de l'environnement, n. 205, octubre 2012, pp. 297-302

MCGILLIVRAY, Donald. "Compensating Biodiversity Loss: The EU Commission’s Approach to Compensation under Article 6 of the Habitats Directive". Journal of Environmental Law, vol. 24, n. 3, noviembre 2012, pp. 417-450

Cambio climático:

CAMERON, Edward; LIMON, Marc. "Restoring the Climate by Realizing Rights: The Role of the International Human Rights System". Review of European Community and International Environmental Law (RECIEL), vol. 21, n. 3, noviembre 2012, pp. 204-219

CENDRA DE LARRAGÁN, Javier de. "Tying the Knot of Energy Security and Climate Change Mitigation: A Tale of Solidarity?". Yearbook of International Environmental Law, 15 noviembre 2012, 1-34

DELEUIL, Thomas. "The Common but Differentiated Responsibilities Principle: Changes in Continuity after the Durban Conference of the Parties". Review of European Community and International Environmental Law (RECIEL), vol. 21, n. 3, noviembre 2012, pp. 271-281

KULOVESI, Kati. "Addressing Sectoral Emissions outside the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: What Roles for Multilateralism, Minilateralism and Unilateralism?". Review of European Community and International Environmental Law (RECIEL), vol. 21, n. 3, noviembre 2012, pp. 193-203

LASKOWSKI, Silke R. "Flexibilisierung der kommunalen Abwasserentsorgung in Zeiten des klimatischen und demographischen Wandels - Spielräume für dezentrale Entsorgungskonzepte unter Beachtung des hessischen Landesrechts". Zeitschrift für...

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