Cyberbanking and E-commerce: A Unique Business Identifier
Autor | Alain Thienot - Vice Chairman - EDIRA |
EDIRA is a not-for-profit membership organization, headed in Switzerland, managing and promoting the EDIRA Business Identification Code (EBIC), recognized by important sectors including the banking and financial sector (SWIFT) and potentially by all enterprises through Chambers of Commerce and Industry all over the world. The EBIC contributes to an unambiguous identification, improving thus from a legal point of view the establishment of identity of e-commerce actors.
The key to doing business by telephone is a worldwide structure for telephone numbers, supported by white and yellow page directories, together with specialist directories in particular sectors. Can Electronic business, which covers Electronic Data Interchange and Electronic Commerce develop comparable building blocks that will serve to make Electronic Business a global comprehensive business tool able to be the modern universal communication method for business transactions?
For Electronic business to become effective, there is an underlying fundamental requirement that trading partners can be successfully identified to enable commitments to be made. Partners must be identified by organization, or by a particular trading arm or business unit within that organization. An organization communicating with several partners belonging to various sectors will also need to be identified in several ways, requiring that a selection be made among these identifiers in order to define, in particular, which of them actually carries the legal representation of the enterprise. Access to directory and authentication is made difficult by the diversity of solutions existing in parallel. A fundamental building block of Electronic Business must therefore be to identify those business units and if we want to do that in a universal way then we have the equivalent to the telephone number. Edira offers a basic structure for such an identification.
The EDIRA Association goes back to a project, which was funded by the European Commission in the TEDIS program 1993/94. The result was a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Registration Authorities that came together on a voluntary basis to promote consistent and unambiguous identification in global electronic commerce relationships. In this MoU the basic rules for a common identification structure were defined. Today, EDIRA is a not-for-profit membership organization, headed in Switzerland, for the management and promotion of the EDIRA Business Identification Code (EBIC) on the basis of the EDIRA MoU. Edira has been recognized by important sectors including Healthcare (e.g. NHS-UK), National Statistics (e.g. INSEE-FR), Telecommunications (e.g. Norwegian Telecoms), Banking services (e.g. SWIFT) and potentially all enterprises through Chambers of Commerce and Industry all over the world.
Edira has also been recognized by International Standardization organizations as...
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