Writing University History in Great Britain from the 1960s to the Present

AutorRobert Anderson
CargoUniversity of Edinburgh
CIAN-Revista de Historia de las Universidades, 20/1 (2017), 17-40 - DOI: https://doi.org/10.20318/cian.2017.3727
ISSN: 1988-8503 - www.uc3m.es/cian
Writing University History in Great Britain,
from the 1960s to the Present
Robert Anderson*
University of Edinburgh
Escribiendo Historia de la Universidad en Gran Bretaña,
desde 1960 hasta la actualidad
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20318/cian.2017.3727
* RDAndersonedacuk
Abstract This article surveys the
writing of university history in Great Britain
since the s when its modern founda
tions were laid through the impact of the new
social history Speciic features of the British
case include the separate university histories
of England and Scotland which have condi
tioned the kind of history that can be written
the duopoly of Oxford and Cambridge befo
re the nineteenth century and the growth
of a national system by the accretion of new
strata with their own distinct histories The
s and s were marked by large co
llective projects at Oxford Cambridge and
Aberdeen The tradition of writing histories of
individual institutions including Oxford and
Cambridge colleges has continued though
today on a more scholarly basis than in the
past Among the general themes investigated
in recent years have been relations between
universities and industry the growth of sta
te intervention and inance universities and
elites links with the British empire the deve
Resumen Este artículo examina los
trabajos sobre la historia universitaria en Gran
Bretaña desde la década de  cuando sus
fundamentos modernos fueron despedidos
por el impacto de la nueva historia social Las
características especíicas del caso británico
incluyen las historias separadas de las univer
sidades de Inglaterra y Escocia que han condi
cionado el tipo de historia que se puede escri
bir el duopolio de Oxford y Cambridge antes
del siglo XIX y el crecimiento de un sistema
nacional mediante la adición de los nuevos
estratos con sus propias historias diferencia
das Los años  y  se caracterizaron
por grandes proyectos colectivos Oxford
Cambridge y Aberdeen La tradición de escri
bir historias de las instituciones individuales
incluyendo las universidades de Oxford y
Cambridge ha continuado aunque hoy en
día de forma más académica que en el pasado
Entre los temas generales investigados en los
últimos años han sido las relaciones entre las
universidades y la industria el crecimiento de
CIAN, 20/1 (2017), 17-40. DOI: https://doi.org/10.20318/cian.2017.3727
lopment of disciplines and curricula student
life the growth of womens higher education
and university architecture University histo
rians have been inluenced by the historio
graphical turn from social to cultural history
But while individual research lourishes the
history of universities has not become a for
mal subdiscipline in Britain and the article
considers why this is so
Keywords Great Britain Scotland
universities history of universities social
la intervención del Estado y las inanzas las
universidades y las élites los nexos con el im
perio británico el desarrollo de disciplinas y
programas de estudio la vida de los estudian
tes el crecimiento de la educación superior de
las mujeres y la arquitectura de la universidad
Los historiadores de la universidad se han
visto inluenciados por el giro historiográico
de lo social a la historia cultural Sin embargo
aunque la investigación individual lorece la
historia de las universidades no se ha conver
tido en una subdisciplina formal en Gran Bre
taña y el artículo analiza por qué esto es así
Palabras clave Gran Bretaña Escocia
universidades historia de las universidades
historia social
The aim of this essay is not to provide a full bibliography of British university
history but to survey the development of research since the s For some
themes it seems useful to bring together fairly comprehensive references
for others and for the work of leading scholars in the ield representative
examples are given Textbooks and introductory works and books aimed at
the general reader often scholarly and visually attractive have not usually
been listed
University history in Britain has features and problems in common
with other countriesOne of these is deining the subjects boundaries Uni
versities have connections of all kinds with the political social religious
and cultural life of the countries in which they are situated They are also
the academic home of many branches of thought how far is the history of
academic disciplines part of university history Universities have libraries
buildings art collections museums and publishing houses all of which at
tract their own historians Here a pragmatic approach has been taken and
only historical work which is predominantly about universities themselves
is generally considered
It is typical of scholarship in this ield that the history of universi
ties has been separated from the history of education and the relation
ship of universities to schools and to national education systems has been
MarieMadeleine Compère LHistoire de léducation en Europe Essai comparatif sur la
façon dont elle sécrit Bern Peter Lang 

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