Teleworking and labor conditions in Lithuania

AutorDaiva Petrylaite
CargoProfessor, Science Center of Collective Labour Law and Social Partnership. Vilnius University
IUSLabor 2/2017
Daiva Petrylaite
Professor, Science Center of Collective Labour Law and Social Partnership
Vilnius University
No specific statutory neither collectively agreed definition of teleworking existed in
Lithuania until 2010. Lithuanian legislation established a definition of homeworking.
Homework was defined as work done by an individual a t home for a wage agreed on
with the employer52. The amendment of the Labour Code in August 2010 replaced
homeworking by introducing a new type of employment contract telework53. According
to amended article 115 of the Labour Code, under a telework employment contract an
employee may perform duties in places other than the employer’s premises.
According to data of the Lithuanian Department of Statistics, in 2014, there were 1,319
million employees in total: 1.159 million employees worked underan employment
contract, 143,000 were self-employed, and 16.6000 helped family members. Full time
work at home amounted to 4.2% of all employees, part time work 1.44% of all
employees, in total represented about 74.400 of the total workforce54. According to the
survey data55, in 2015, 85.5% of all respondents worked part-time, and this number did
52 Article 115 of the Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania, Official Ga zette, 2002, No. 64-2569,, (Invalid from 1st July 2017);
the Decree No. 1043 of 19th August 2003 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on the Approval
of Peculiarities of Individual Employment Contracts, Official Gazette, 2003, No. 81-3690, https://e-seimas
714c-42b3-a8c2-6d7c45204af, (Invalid from 1st July 2017).
53 The Law on the Amendments of the Articles 76, 77, 80, 107, 108, 109, 115, 127, 147, 149, 150, 151,
202, 293, 294 and on the Supplementation with the Article 123(1) of the Labour Code of the Republic of
Lithuania, Official Gazette, 2010, No. 81-4221,
?positionInSearchResults=2&searchModelUUID=9c7f1ecc-f791-4956-b86e-370404d62635 (Invalid from
1st July 2017).
54 The Lithuanian Department of Statics data taken from: NAKROŠIEN, A.; BUTKEVIČIEN, E.
Telework in Lithuania: the concept, benefits and challenges to the employees, Filosofija. Sociologija, 2016.
Vol. 27. Issue 4, p. 364372,
372.pdf (in Lithuanian).
55 Data from four empirical researches made by Nakrošien Audron and Butkevičien Egl in 2013-2015.
See more detailed in: NAKROŠIEN, A.; BUTKEVIČIEN, E. Telework in Lithuania: the concept,
benefits and challenges to the employees, Filosofija. Sociologija, 2016. Vol. 27. Issue 4, p. 364372, (in Lithuanian).

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