Technological innovation and environmental sustainability
Autor | Martina Sinisi |
Cargo | Associate Professor of Administrative Law University of Rome 'Roma Tre' Department of Law |
Páginas | 85-105 |
Revista de Derecho Administrativo
#4 · diciembre 2020 85
la correspondiente reclamación ante la autoridad de
control por esta vía.
Para ello, el interesado deberá describir detallada-
mente las circunstancias en que se ha producido la
difusión no consentida de las imágenes, indicando
en particular si la persona afectada es víctima de vio-
lencia de género, abuso o agresión sexual o acoso y
si pertenece a cualquier otro colectivo especialmen-
te vulnerable: menores de edad (especificando si es
menor de catorce años), personas con discapacidad
o enfermedad grave o en riesgo de exclusión social.
Si las imágenes están siendo difundidas actualmen-
te a través de internet, el interesado deberá copiar
y pegar la dirección web que de acceso e identificar
claramente el perfil social mediante el que se están
difundiendo tales imágenes sensibles.
Adicionalmente, deberá especificarse si se han rea-
lizado otras actuaciones como la presentación de la
correspondiente denuncia ante las Fuerzas y Cuerpos
de Seguridad del Estado y la referencia de los procedi-
mientos que se estén tramitando ante las instancias
administrativas o judiciales concretas.
Del mismo modo, se deberá especificar si se han lle-
vado a cabo acciones para limitar la difusión de los
datos personales, identificando claramente, en tal
caso, a los prestadores de servicios (la red social, el
portal de vídeo o de blogs, etc.) a los que el interesado
se haya dirigido previamente.
Así mismo, la AEPD recomienda adjuntar los docu-
mentos que el interesado considere relevantes para
la tramitación de su reclamación, particularmente
una copia de la pantalla o del dispositivo donde pueda
apreciarse claramente el servicio (la red social, el por-
tal de vídeo o de blogs …) a través del cual se están
difundiendo las imágenes.
Tras el análisis de la reclamación, la Agencia deter-
minará la posible adopción de medidas urgentes que
limiten la continuidad del tratamiento de los datos
Autor: Martina Sinisi
Cargo: Associate Professor of Administrative Law University of Rome “Roma Tre” Department of
Abstract: This document addresses the relationship between environmental sustainability
and technological innovations, referring to the aeronautics and aerospace sectors to assess
the prospects given by the new technologies used and the possibility that these technologies
facilitate a green conversion of aviation in an infrastructure environment with a significant
environmental impact. The environment and landscape have been enhanced over the years by
the provisions of European features, by the European Landscape Convention, which gave a vision
of its right not only individual but rather collective, the Aarhus Convention, that has regulated
access to environmental information precisely on the basis of everyone’s interest in knowing
environmental decisions and participating in choices and, finally, by European jurisprudence
itself, which has interpreted the right to a healthy environment in an ever-widening way. This
is to effectively define environmental standards in order to harmonise Member States’ laws
according to these standards and to identify principles which, in the case of opposing interests,
determine the prevalence of an interest in relation to another. The landscape consists of finding
a balance between social, economic, environmental and cultural needs. Technological innovation,
Revista de Derecho Administrativo
86 #4 · diciembre 2020
especially in some strategic areas, can be an important aid in minimising the impact that large
infrastructures have on the environment. The ‘green’ version of technological innovation can help
environmental sustainability, which is one of the objectives set by the European Treaties. The
European Union, through various measures, has sought to raise public awareness of the actions
of the Member States. In this direction goes the technological innovation in the aeronautics and
aerospace sector, which favours the use of green fuels and is geared towards ‘electrification’
these two sectors. This is in order to avoid or minimise the forms of pollution - air and noise
pollution - and to ensure the integrity of natural habitats, protected by a special directive of the
European Council (“Habitat”) and which has led, with a famous judgement decided by the Court
of Justice with reference to an Italian affair, to denounce the “ecological disaster” caused by the
expansion of the hub of Milan Malpensa airport and has thus led to an increase in air traffic, with
the related highly polluting effects.
Keywords: Technological innovation Environmental sustainability Natural habitats Aarhus
Convention European Landscape Convention Green economy
I. tEchnologIcal InnovatIon and smart cItIEs: EnvIronmEntal sustaInabIlIty profIlEs
II. human rIghts and EnvIronmEntal accEss: EuropEan landscapE convEntIon, aarhus convEntIon and Eu
dIrEctIvEs on accEss to EnvIronmEntal InformatIon
III. EuropEan law on EnvIronmEntal protEctIon: thE prIncIplEs contaInEd In thE trEaty on EuropEan unIon
and In thE trEaty on thE functIonIng of thE EuropEan unIon
Iv. thE councIl dIrEctIvE 92/43/EEc of 21 may 1992 on thE consErvatIon of natural habItats and of
wIldfauna andflora (so-callEd “habItat” dIrEctIvE) and thE judgEmEnt “cascIna trE pInI” (court of
justIcE 3 aprIl 2014, c-301/12)
v. aIr pollutIon, noIsE pollutIon and thE protEctIon of natural habItats In rElatIon to tEchnologIcal
InnovatIon and grEEn Economy In thE avIatIon sEctor: casE-law
vI. EnvIronmEntal sustaInabIlIty: thE trEnd of thE “grEEn” Economy
vII. concludIng rEmarks
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