SAP Barcelona 78/2009, 11 marzo 2009.

AutorMàrius Miró Gili

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type of arbItratIon: Institutional arbitration. seCtor busIness or legal speCIalIty: Franchise: unfair competition. reasons for quashIng aWard: Invalidity of the agreement: for affecting a company that was not part of the main contract or the arbitration agreement incorporated therein; for being a contract of adhesion, and for obliging the parties to litigate away from their place of domicile. The award was quashed for purporting to bind a company that had not been party to either the arbitration agreement or the main contract, and for being contrary to public policy, it being held that the acts constituting unfair competition were committed by a third party that had not been party to the proceedings, and because the plaintiffs acted against their own declarations with a view to unjust enrichment. Dismissed.other Issues addressed: The nature of the action for judicial review, time limit for claim against a contract of adhesion, fundamental principles of hearing and defence. Concept of public policy. type of arbItratIon and arbItratIon Court: In law. Tribunal Arbitral de Barcelona [Barcelona Arbitration Court]. The Hon. Mr. Luis Garrido Espá.

The binding nature of an arbitration agreement may arise not only from signing it one’s own name, but as a result of a set of other circumstances, instru-

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ments and documents involving submission to it. Consideration of who is party to the main contract is a matter of substance to be decided by the Arbitrator. The finding that the acts constituting unfair competition were performed by the defendants through a third party not privy to the proceedings (a nominee company) is not cause for quashing the award, as the third party is not affected by the decision.



tIpo de arbItraje: Arbitraje institucional.

seCtor de negoCIo o espeCIalIdad jurÍdICa: Franquicia: competencia desleal.

Causas de anulaCIón: Nulidad del convenio: por condenarse a una sociedad que no era parte del contrato principal ni del convenio arbitral inserto en él; por tratarse de un contrato de adhesión; y por obligar a las partes a litigar lejos de su domicilio. Nulidad del Laudo: por condenar a la sociedad que no había sido parte en el convenio ni el contrato principal; por contrariar el orden público: al declarar que los actos de competencia desleal han sido cometidos por tercera persona que no había sido parte en...

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