Research, management and water values in today's world

AutorMiguel Ángel Álvarez-Vázquez - Elena De Uña Álvarez
Miguel Ángel Álvarez-Vázquez a, b y Elena De Uña-Álvarez b
a Marine Biogeochemistry Group, Institute of Marine Research (CSIC), Vigo, Spain
b Physical Geography Area, GEAAT Group, University of Vigo, Campus of Ourense, Spain &
This volume of the series Perspectives of Water tries various aspects about
the research, planning of uses, management and socio-cultural values of
aquatic systems in the contemporary period. The contributions including
analyse the relationship between water and human communities in the
world today from scientific, political, social and cultural perspectives.
Water is a natural good indispensable for any human activity whose value
must be investigated, known and disseminated (European Council, 1968)
taking account its role as a resource for the well-being in the international
human rights framework (World Health Organization, 2003; United
Nations, 2010). The protection, improvement and rational management
of aquatic systems are also goals of sustainable development into the
future, defined by Agenda 2030 (United Nations, 2015) where education
is seen as a process that favours the creation of innovative solutions for
current problems of water. At the same time, the generations of actions
for sustainability, especially directed toward the integrated management
of water resources, are promoted by the declaration of the 2018-2028
Decade of Action by the Water (United Nations, 2016). In Europe, both
protection and sustainable use and management of the waters (continental,
transitional, coastal and groundwater) are regulated by the Directive
2000/60/EC in order to prevent their pollution, protect and/or improve
their status, mitigate the effects of floods and droughts, and help to ensure
a long-term equitable provision. This impulse from the institutional
sphere represents an opportunity to prioritize the importance of water as
a resource of humanity and highlights the relevance of the item to

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