Regulatory Impact Analysis in Spain. A 'Better Regulation' in EU context

AutorSamuel Rodríguez Ferrández
Cargo del AutorUniversidad de Murcia
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Regulatory Impact Analysis in Spain.
A “Better Regulation” in EU context
Universidad de Murcia
Summary: 1. Introduction. 2. The evaluation of legislation until 2009. 3. Regulatory
Impact Analysis arrival between 2009 and 2015 inspired by European Union
(EU). 4. Regulatory Impact Analysis after 2015. 5. Conclusions. References.
1. Introduction
The evaluation of norms (or legislative policy) and of their (“ex ante” or “ex
post”) consequences is progressively turning into an increasingly well-known and
acknowledged field of investigative research within Spanish legal scholarship.
We are examining a matter that forms part of the discipline of “Legislative
Science”, which has the task of studying the process or activity pursued by the
drafting of legal norms”, with the objective of “improving the quality of laws”1,
facilitating “the guidelines to draft ‘well designed’” laws2, which form part of
‘rational’ “legislation”3.
In fact, without going into additional considerations on the content of these
matters, what is clear is that, on the basis of that definition, the evaluation of
legislation is related to the objective of achieving rational legislation; legislative
rationality, to which Professor A R4 first referred, as well as
Professor D R5 later on, adapting it to the criminal context.
1 A. Menéndez Menéndez, “Introducción”, in La proliferación legislativa: un desafío
para el Estado de Derecho, A. Menéndez Menéndez & A. Pau Pedrón (Dirs.), Madrid: Civi-
tas, 2004, pp. 20 – 21.
2 Mª.J. Montoro Chiner, La evaluación de las normas: racionalidad y eficiencia, Bar-
celona: Atelier, 2001, p. 122.
3 Á. Galiana Saura, La Ley: entre la razón y la experimentación, Valencia: Tirant lo
Blanch, 2008, p. 17.
4 M. Atienza Rodríguez, Contribución a una teoría de la legislación, Madrid: Civitas,
5 J.L. Díez Ripollés, La racionalidad de las leyes penales. Práctica y teoría, Madrid:
Trotta, 2003.

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