Recommendation N°23. For a global transition to clean energy


Page 155

Given the importance of access to energy for the realization of many basic needs, Recognizing that nearly one third of humanity has no access to modern sources of energy, Convinced that the modern energy system, which is heavily based on energy mining, is causing irreversible damage to the environment and human health,

Recalling that the energy sector is responsible for three fifths of anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases inducing climate change, and that States are committed at the fifteenth session of the Conference of Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen to halve emissions by 2050 compared to 1990, and not to exceed an average temperature increase of 2°C in 2100 compared to the pre-industrial era,

Recognizing that decreasing energy mining cannot ensure sustainable access to an environmentally friendly energy, and that a growing demand for them should lead to higher prices of energy and may even lead to diplomatic and armed disputes,

Alerted to the need for an energy transition characterized by a quantitative reduction of energy consumption and an improvement in the quality of energy,

Informed by the IEA, UNDP and UNIDO on the possibility of universal access to energy by 2030, by UNDESA on the need to limit the annual individual consumption to 70 gigajoules of energy, and by the IPCC on the ability to ensure a supply basis at almost 80% renewable energy by 20508,

Having noted that no energy source is clean in nature and the cleanliness of a source depends on how it is used by humans,

Resolved on the need to assess the impact of energy activities,

Stressing that a transition to clean energy would boost economic growth,

Stating that a transition to clean energy is an emergency and that only global and coordinated action of all actors in the energy sector can ensure effectiveness,

Emphasizing the decision of the United Nations General Assembly to proclaim 2012 International Year of sustainable energy for all,

States are encouraged at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development to be held in June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, to adopt a roadmap for a transition to clean energy based on the following commitments:

  1. Universal ac access to clean energy must be guaranteed at an economically acceptable cost, and solidarity mechanisms should be established to supply the poor free. To this end, the right to energy includes national legislation and international law.

  2. Annual per capita consumption of...

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