Recommendation N°13. The legally binding global treaty on mercury (Convention of Minamata)


Page 84

Considering the known risks from mercury in the environment, in particular raised in the Global Mercury Assessment Report of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); Acknowledging that only a united global action can result in an effective response to mercury pollution, as long as it is adapted to local realities of the use of this metal and its derivatives; Considering the need for a global answer to the problems posed by mercury, and its lifecycle; Noting that many environmental injustices are caused by anthropogenic mercury emissions: Recommend:

The signature, as soon as possible and if possible at the time of Rio+ 20 in 2012, of the legally binding global treaty on Mercury known as "Convention of Minamata";

To request the elaboration of terms and objectives for the legally binding global treaty on Mercury, in order to guarantee the protection of health of the individuals and nature, while minimizing, and, as far as possible in the long-term, eliminating the anthropogenic mercury emissions into the air, water and soil;

To expressly recognize the relevance of the principles of prevention, precaution, polluter pays and of common but differentiated responsibilities in any response to problems caused by mercury at the international level;

To bring to technical and financial support to countries where mercury is used for local-level artisanal activities to replace mercury-based economic activities, in particular by the installation of a financial mechanism, possibly managed by Global Environment Facility (GEF);


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