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MORGERA, Elisa. Recensión "Agriculture and EU Environmental Law - By Brian Jack". Review of European Community and International Environmental Law (RECIEL), vol. 20, n. 3, 2011, pp. 327-328


CADDELL, Richard. Recensión "Lyster's International Wildlife Law (2nd edn). By Michael Bowman, Peter Davies and Catherine Redgwell". Journal of Environmental Law, vol. 24, n. 1, 2012, pp. 173-175

Cambio climático:

LASÉN DÍAZ, Carolina. Recensión "Fairness in International Climate Change Law and Policy - By Friedrich Soltau". Review of European Community and International Environmental Law (RECIEL), vol. 20, n. 3, 2011, pp. 328-329

Derecho ambiental:

CHEYNE, Ilona. Recensión "The Future of International Environmental Law. Edited by David Leary and Balakrishna Pisupati". Journal of Environmental Law, vol. 24, n. 1, 2012, pp. 171-173

LEUNG, Denise. Recensión "Environmental Law and Consumer Protection. Edited by Christophe Verdure". Journal of Environmental Law, vol. 24, n. 1, 2012, pp. 175-178

STALLWORTHY, Mark. Recensión "Everyday Environmentalism - Law, Nature and Individual Behaviour. By Jason J. Czarnezki". Journal of Environmental Law, vol. 24, n. 1, 2012, pp. 178-181

Derechos fundamentales:

KOZLINA, Simon. Recensión "Preslava Stoeva, New Norms and Knowledge in World Politics: Protecting People, Intellectual Property and the Environment...

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