Preface of honor. Measuring the Mind of a Murderer: Psychometrics and Crime

AutorD. Kim Rossmo, PhD
Cargo del AutorProfessor. School of Criminal Justice. Texas State University
1Affiliation and Contact Information:
D. Kim Rossmo, PhD
Professor and Director
Center for Geospatial Intelligence and Investigation
School of Criminal Justice
Texas State University
601 University Drive
San Marcos, Texas, 78777
Tel.: (512) 245-2006
2Author Bio:
Kim Rossmo holds the University Chair in Criminology and is the director
of the Center for Geospatial Intelligence and Investigation in the School of
Criminal Justice at Texas State University. He has researched and published
in the areas of geographic profiling, criminal investigative failures, and en-
vironmental criminology. He is a member of the Police Investigative Oper-
ations Committee of the IACP and was formerly a detective inspector with
D. Kim Rossmo, PhD 1, 2
School of Criminal Justice
Texas State University
Measuring the Mind of a Murderer:
Psychometrics and Crime

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