One Profession-but not one Oath; a new survey revisiting the Chiropractic Oaths
Autor | Marshall N. Deltoff |
Cargo | Faculty, Barcelona College of Chiropractic, Barcelona, Spain |
Páginas | 427-444 |
Anuario Jurídico y Económico Escurialense, LIII (2020) 427-444 / ISSN: 1133-3677
One Profession-but not one Oath; a new
survey revisiting the Chiropractic Oaths*
Marshall N Deltoff DC DACBR FCCR(C)
Faculty, Barcelona College of Chiropractic,
Barcelona, Spain
Abstract: Thirty years ago, in 1988, we undertook the first formal academic
examination of the Chiropractic Oath: its development and an analysis of its
component parts. At that time, we studied 38 oaths from 25 different chiropractic
colleges. Various themes and topics were identified, some of which occurred
consistently, and others appearing but once or twice. With the recent global
expansion of our profession to new schools in many more countries, the oaths
presently used at chiropractic colleges worldwide were subjected to the same
analysis for comparison. 42 oaths were obtained from the 45 institutions currently
listed on the World Federation of Chiropractic website.
Increased access, both electronically and in person, has enabled our academic
institutions to communicate and relate at a level unimaginable thirty years
ago. This increasing college interaction is one aspect of our progressive
unity. It is proposed that consideration be given to the development of a single
Chiropractic Oath as a tangible example of this professional unity.
* Este artículo obtuvo, el pasado año académico 2017-2018, el Premio María Cristina, en
su quinta edición, en la modalidad de Quiropráctica, patrocinado por el Banco Santander. El
jurado calificador estuvo conformado por: Dª. Ana Paula Albuquerque Facchinato Campos
(Presidenta), Coordinadora de la Formación Clínica. Facultad de Quiropráctica de Los Ángeles.
Southern California University of Health Sciences; D. Danilo Messa da Silva, Decano de
Quiropráctica, Universidad Feevale, Novo Hamburgo, Brasil; D. Fernando Redondo Moreira
Azevedo, Decano de Quiropráctica de la Universidade Anhembi-Morumbi, Sao Paulo, Brasil,
y D. Ricardo Fujikawa (Secretario), Director de Estudios de Quiropráctica en el RCU Escorial
María Cristina.
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