List of Abstracts

Silvia Bagni, The indigenous concept of land in Andean constitutionalism
In the Western legal tradition, land and natural resources have always been con-
sidered as goods, the primary object of the right of property. Instead, for the An-
dean indigenous cosmovision, the relationship between Nature and Mankind has
always been different: not of dominion, but of respect, harmony and coexistence.
This ancestral worldview has recently inuenced the national legal systems of
some Latin American countries, producing interesting consequences: lands, riv-
ers, hills, plants… are not considered objects any more, but subjects of rights,
which could stand for their rights in the courts. The article explores this recent
legal pattern.
Keywords: indigenous cosmovision; Latin America; buen vivir; territory
CharleS Bartlett, The politics of real property in the Kingdom of Sardinia,
This chapter examines the relationships between political change and the admin-
istration of real property in the Kingdom of Sardinia through the lens of the his-
tory of the corporation. It argues that an appreciation of the dynamics of peasant
corporations allows for a more complete understanding of these relationships,
especially in the decades on either side of the French Revolution and occupa-
tion of Italy, and that events in these years fostered a change in the predominant
conception of the corporation. It also draws a connection between the policies of
the restored monarchy in regard to real property after 1815 and aspects of subse-
quent Italian regionalism. Finally, it provides indication that political forms are
more easily changed than are underlying mechanisms of real property transfer
and administration.
Keywords: real property, corporation, Kingdom of Sardinia, feudalism, territorial
administration, regionalism
Paola BianChi, L’evasione scale come problema circolare nelle esperienze stori-
che: esempi della tarda antichità.
This paper investigates the effects of tax fraud on the Late Antiquity’s economy,
especially with regard to the use of land. It argues that we can nd specic means
trying to solve the problem of abandoned lands (agri deserti) in different so-
cio-economic contexts.
In this essay I argue that the analysis of a trial from 339 CE in Fayum led to
relevant legal changes in the 4th century BCE, for example, by introducing pro-
cedural mechanisms, allowing to impose the possession of lands and the relative

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