Considerations on International Agreements in the Framework of the European Maritime Space

AutorAlice Pisapia
Cargo del AutorProfessore a contratto di Politiche dell'Unione Europea, Università degli Studi dell'Insubria. Anciens College of Europe, Bruges
Considerations on International
Agreements in the Framework of
the European Maritime Space
Professore a contratto di Politiche dell’Unione Europea, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria.
Anciens College of Europe, Bruges
Summary: 1. Introduction. 2. Participation of the EU into international organisations.
3. Mixed agreements. 4. The role of the European Parliament and the new institutional
balance. 5. Conclusion.
With the aim of promoting legal, environmental, economic and social gov-
ernance frameworks for sustainable sheries, of gaining access to key shing ar-
eas of the world or of promoting monitoring, control and surveillance schemes
to combat illegal shing, the European Union has concluded a relevant number
of sheries agreements1. The external dimension of the EU action became in
the past decade more and more important, especially after the Treaty of Lisbon
and it could be considered the next challenge for the European integration2.
1 Baratta, R., «La ripartizione tra Comunità e Stati membri delle competenze esterne in
materia di servizi di trasporto marittimo», en Il Diritto dell’Unione Europea, 2002, p. 17 ss.
2 Adam, R., «Cooperazione allo sviluppo…di competenze comunitarie», en Il D iritto
dell’Unione Europea, 1996, pp. 589-591; Azoulai, L. (ed.), The Question of Competence in the
Having regards to the dierent types of shing agreement, we can distin-
guish the international relations of the EU with the Third Parties according to the
following scheme: Bilateral sheries agreements, Reciprocal agreements, Multi-
lateral agreements and International Conventions. The EU also has 2 types of
shing agreements with non-EU countries: Northern agreements – joint man-
agement of shared stocks with Norway, Iceland and the Faroe Islands and Sus-
tainable sheries partnership agreements (SFPAs) for which the EU gives nan-
cial and technical support in exchange for shing rights, generally with southern
partner countries. The EU concludes bilateral agreements such as sustainable
sheries partnerships, or multilateral agreements such as agreements with re-
gional sheries management organisations and international conventions3.
Considering that the legal basis for the agricultural and sheries policy has
to be found in art. 43 TFEU, together with artt. 38-40 TFEU, which provide exclu-
sive competence to the European Union, the present contribution is intended to
consider the new role of the European Parliament during the negotiations of in-
European Union, Oxford University Press Oxford, 2014; Blockmans, S., «Beyond Confer-
ral: the role of the European External Action Service in decision-shaping», en Moraru, M.,
Larik, J. (eds.), Ever-Closer in Brussels, Ever-Closer in the World? EU External Action after the
Lisbon Treaty, EUI Working Paper Law, n. 10, 2011; Cannizzaro, E., «Dierenziazione e
unitarietà nell’azione esterna dell’Unione europea», en Il diritto dell’Unione Europea, 2003,
p. 763 ss.; Cannizzaro, E., «Fragmented Sovereignty? The European Union and its Mem-
ber States in the International Arena», en Italian Yearbook of International Law, 2003, p. 35
ss.; Cellerino, C., Soggettività internazionale e azione esterna dell’Unione. Fondamento, limiti e
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ca y consular de los pescatores comunitarios por la Comisión europea», in Rev. Inst. Eur.,
1996, p. 547 ss.; Eckes, C., «International Law as Law of the EU: The Role of the European
Court of Justice», en Cannizzaro, E., Palchetti, P., Wessel, R. A. (eds.), International Law as
Law of the European Union, Martinus Nijho Publishers, Leiden, 2011, p. 353 ss.
3 Brown, C. M., «The European Union and Regional Trade Agreements», en European
Yearbook of International Economic Law, 2012, p. 445 ss.; Cremona, M., «The European
Union and Regional Trade Agreements», en European Yearbook of International Eco-
nomic Law, 2010, p. 245 ss.; Homeister, F., The Contribution of EU Practice to Interna-
tional Law, en Cremona, M. (ed.), Developments in EU External Relations Law, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2008, p. 37 ss.; Neuwahl, N. A., «Joint Participation in In-
ternational Treaties and the Exercise of powers by the EEC and Its Member States:
Mixed Agreements», en Common Market Law Review, Vol. 28, 1991, p. 717 ss.

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