Consequences of applying new technologies to sources of law (overview)

AutorDariusz Szostek
— 615 —
conseqUences oF aPPlyinG new technoloGies to
soUrces oF law (overview)
dr H a b . P r o f . uo da r i u s z sz o s t e k 1
Abstract: Technological change has a very significant impact on the functioning of a lawyer. It is not
only an advocate, judge, adviser or notary public with a law, but also specialized software in which the law
is incorporated. The quality of this software, safety but also the certainty of its correctness is very important
for legal certainty and functioning of lawyers.
Modern law is not only the text of legal acts or contracts but also IT codes in which the law is
incorporated (for example, smart contract). The law is controlled by the courts. The question arises as to
who will control the codes in which the law is written. In the EU, only a few countries have recognised this
problem when creating the relevant legislation, including Malta and Lichtenstein. And the rest? Shouldn’t
we regulate this problem on a European level?
Key words: law engineer, IT codes, blockchain, artificial intelligence, digital economy 4.0, software
control, law technology, automatic decision-making processes
The second decade of the 21st century is characterized by the unprecedented
technological acceleration, significant investments in technological companies, but also
in ICT systems. Globalization is entering more and more areas. A number of new IT tools
are introduced, as well as new legal structures, such as ICO or Blockchain-Based Limited
Liability Companies2, or electronic residency. From the point of view of law, these are
new developments. Cryptocurrencies are no longer a fad or economic bubble (for example
1 Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Opole.
2 More on the subject of blockchain in, D. Szostek Blockchain and Law, Baden Baden 2019 s.3; D.
Maxwell, Ch. Speed, L. Pschetz: Story Blocks: Reimagining narrative through the blockchain, The Inter-
national Journal of Reserch into New Media Technologies, No. 23 (1) 2017, p. 82; M. Finck Blockchain
Regulation and governance in Europe, University of Cambridge, UE 2019r, p. 6 et seq.; O

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